1202. Atlantic Rim (2013)

I believe you’re right. Unless I’m mistaken, they tried to swap out music for generic tunes on the DVDs so as to not have the sets cost a bazillionty dollars.


I have no such shame.

The joke is supposed to be that the lyrics are terrible because they’re making them up as they go, but come on.

Life is a circus, and we’re living at the clown tip

I made an omelette and it – out of 2700 eggs (Yeah!)
He really really really really really loved it!

Get in your mech
Protect your neck
Like Gregory Peck
Would do if he were alive

Solid gold.


They do some interesting character definitions with the song, too, with Crow easily going with the whole “make up nonsense lyrics on the fly” thing while GPC is the only one who remotely addresses elements of the movie in the song (before they mention mechs in the chorus, anyway) by mentioning Graham Greene.


Ah yes, the Daria approach.


WKRP in Cincinnati, too, and to terrible effect. They didn’t release any DVD sets past Season 1.

Thank goodness MST3K didn’t have rights problems with Atlantic Rim (is a real sentence I just wrote).


Have no shame!


Not true actually. Shout Factory released a complete series set after that first season fiasco. They managed to procure a good majority of the music too, though not all.

As for Atlantic Rim, it’s a fabulous episode.


Whoops, yeah, my mistake. It was Fox that didn’t release anything after Season 1.

Thanks for catching that!

Season 12 was all good. As far as I’m concerned, there were no weak links in that chain.


I actually quite like this episode. The movie is big and dumb and loud, and I think Jonah and the Bots rise to the challenge.


I dislike the look and feel of this movie. I dislike the characters. The slack look of fatalistic acceptance on the actors faces. It just feels gross. I find it hard to even laugh at how little the movie tries. Ill sit through it now and then, I do enjoy the riffs but it is my least favorite of all 20 (pre-season 13) new experiments.


Any other Asylums MST3K ought to riff? Any suggestions?

Pretty sure this is the S12 episode I’m in the credits for.


I was scrolling through a list of their movies, and now I’m baffled they did one about the 9/11 commission report???

IIRC they did at least 2 that were very similar to Dragonheart, both of which would probably make for good riffs.

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do you believe there is more sincerity in Horrors of Spider Island or Space Mutiny?

it’s the same stuff different era.

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Hmmmm… I’m HUGE into "different era"s. Some stuff stays the same but how it’s presented and what is emphasized progresses across the decades. The 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, naivety surrenders to rebellion ceding to sensation transitioning to the bells and whistles settling on awareness. I’m partial to any of it though there are distinctions. “Same stuff different era”? Respectfully I disagree. Slapping down product may not have changed through what constitutes that product and what the standards and attitudes are has. Space Mutiny (1988) may very well be an Atlantic Rim (2013) of its day except John Phillip Law and Reb Brown command the screen and the railing deaths and set pieces try harder and raise to filmic lengths even in their inanity far above the “Just Film It” feel of Atlantic Rim today. One man’s opinion. The bar of what constitutes a B movie evolved as the underlining norms of the times mirror changing tastes and tolerances.


Command the screen? What a bunch of bull butter. lol :slight_smile:

I got mad respect for you sir… but all the folks who think atlantic rim is somehow different than the cynical landfill grade films of yesteryear are just drunk on nostalgia IMO.

Atlantic Rim is just as sincere of filmmaking as Robot Wars, Space Mutiny, Wizards of the lost kingdom 2, Horrors of Spider Island, werewolf, etc etc…

at least Atlantic Rim didn’t just steal their action scenes from better movies like Wizards of the lost kingdom 2 and Space Mutiny did. Talk about low effort. lol
but hey agree to disagree. Thanks for the long thought out response.


anyway this episode is a modern classic… brought the lolz and the fun of shouting at the movie in disgust.

10/10 Easily at best of all time worthy episode.


They have more charisma, intensity, or committment to their roles than the cast of Atlantic Rim (2013) does. My opinion. For whatever that’s worth.

A few may be. I’m not. The difference is in the competence of the production, the sophistication of the action scenes and choreography, and the benefits of practical effects and shooting on film to the look versus digital photography and the Direct-To-Video mentality of how entertainment is tailored today. Also how acting has shifted plays into it. Both are cheap for their period however the film industry was not the same as now or ten years ago. Certain attributes and aspects you deem unimportant or irrelevant I and others instinctually gravitate to or appreciate and that accounts for the seperation of assessment beween pieces of crap from varying times.

With me, I’m not a fanboy of anything. Everything has a place and while I have preferrences I’ll call a spade a spade no matter my leaning. In the end, you’re not wrong. We each have a filter we look through. I get your point however the soul of various eras is one of the lures that drew me into the movies. Thus those considerations and what they may mean are relevant when evaluating whatever. To me anyway. What I won’t do is advocate one over the other. I’ll relay my observation and how I arrived there and walk away.

Alright. As entertainment product, they are roughly the same as reflections of what that entailed when they were made. Where I’ll fight you is what composed that product and what that stood for wasn’t exactly on the same page depending on the when. You see movie product as movie product from a paricular prism and it stays the same. I can’t help spotting trends, fads, styles, values, inclinations, and tendencies and those are what make each movie special. Even a dumpster fire like Space Mutiny (1988) or Atlantic Rim (2013). “The devil is in the details” one said and my accounting backs that up. The particulars and minutiae of anything lend to the personality of a picture and to a good number of people that’s the most imporant variable and to others it’s all noise and all the same. I respect both camps whereas I can’t discount what my eyes see. “We’ll have to agree to disagree” my friend.

And Thank You. It’s a pleasure conversing with someone truly bound to something and willing to defend it with heart and soul. Cheers!


Except for the fact that Asylum purposely packages and promotes their movies to confuse buyers into thinking they are buying another movie.