1301- your thoughts

Here’s my feedback, for what it’s worth:

  • I think this might be my new favourite episode! The riffs were fantastic and I found myself laughing out loud more consistently than any other episode to memory.

  • The sound mix was the only truly frustrating thing. If nothing else, I’m hoping the mix hasn’t been locked and they can at least bring up the volume of the movie to match the riffing, as it was hard to hear without making the riffs deafening. There was also an issue with the sound being slightly out of sync, but I suspect that’s an issue with the livestream/replay and won’t be an issue once the VOD version is uploaded.

  • The lighting on the mads doesn’t match the background they’ve been composited onto. This could probably be disguised a bit better by coloring the “room” plate to match the color of the fill lights/back lights. This point is perhaps a little more nit-picky than the sound issue, and if only the sound can be fixed before the episode is locked for VOD/Physical releases, I’d be happy.

  • All in all, it’s a strong episode, and if the main complaints people have (including myself) are purely technical ones, most of which can be fixed in post, then it’s clear that this series is going to be VERY enjoyable.

I’ve attached two images to illustrate the adjustments I think could be made to the mads’ location background plates. One is the current design as we saw in the premiere, and the other is a rough mockup of adjustments. I’ve also adjusted the levels of the mads too, so that their contrast is a little more punchy and their black levels are brought down a tad. I only have the flattened compressed image of the stream to work with, so the adjustments aren’t as subtle as it would be if working with the raw footage, but it’s just for illustrative purposes. What do you think, sirs?