303. Pod People (1983)

That I didn’t know. I may want to listen to fully get the reference.

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The eeevil, eeeeeevil geniuses at Severin ended up releasing a CD with last year’s super blu-ray of “Extra Terrestrial Visitors”.

And what did they do? They did exactly what we expected them to do… :eyes:

All victims ready to SKO?

EDIT: Apparently Ian Serra is a b-movie producer and director these days. I had no idea he was from Gibraltar (honestly thought he was Spanish, but I guess it’s pretty close, lol).

May have to honestly take a look at the Pieces and possibly even the Pod People blu-rays to see if he was ever interviewed…

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I have nothing of real value to add here other than my own nostalgia. After being introduced to MST3k through a rental of the movie and then the Sci-Fi era all as an introverted ten year old in WI, I quickly became obsessed and wanted more. The local video store had a VHS from Rhino of the show. If my memory is correct, this was my first experience of Joel as the host. There’s a 10% chance it was a VHS of Cave Dwellers but I’m really quite sure it was Pod People. Regardless, this was my strongest introduction to the very different yet still just as great earlier years of my new favorite show. While I wouldn’t rank this as a top ten or anything, it’s hard to argue its place among the all time greats.

This episode just has “it”, whatever “it”
is. I won’t say I love everything about it, I won’t say the movie is interestingly bad the whole way through, I won’t say the host segments are all great, and I won’t say all the riffs are strong, but none of that matters. This is an episode you remember, period. It makes an impression, in a good way, no matter what, in ways that arguably funnier episodes don’t. When any random person thinks “Mystery Science Theater” there’s a good chance most of what they’re thinking of can be found in this episode. It’s an excellent encapsulation of the entire show in one episode. And for that reason, it’s as classic as it gets.


You touched on it. This is the face on the milk carton of MST. On one of those sides is a picture of this episode. “Smuckers”, “Pepperidge Farm”, “HUZZAH!!”, “IT STINKS!!!”, “Trumpy!!! You can do STUPID THINGS!!!” These are blips on the Mystery Science Radar we can never forget.

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MST’s YouTube page uploaded this tonight. So I watched it and it really got me thinking as it was wrapping up.

There’s just something about this movie that really resonated with the MST crew. There’s this special kind of extra effort here that I don’t think I’ve seen in many other episodes. Almost feels one-of-a-kind.

Such a iconic episode!


Pod People is the heart of MST3K. The unlikely elements, the contradictions, being both family friendly and NOT. The experiment is a haunted house as Joel described it. A vacant property the show takes you on a tour of. Pod People like Manos were perfect funhouses of unseen combinations that really worked. And the song at the end of Pod gives MST the anthem many remember. Pod People is a premier episode and one fans cling to.