And the 14th Doctor is...

They could’ve left this unsaid so they can use this plot point later. Schrodinger’s plot point, if you will.

While Peter Davison is VERY Caucasian looking, his father was a Guyanese immigrant.

Jo Martin is still boss as hell though!

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Why did they replay the current one?

My mom has been sending me genealogy info and apparently I’m Scottish*, so I’m stoked :smile:

*a plurality, anyway, with some English and Irish… basically I’m a vanilla swirl


Three. McCoy, Tennant and Capaldi.

This is his most iconic scene in that (NSFW for language of course):

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Or the War Doctor

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Why did they replay the current one?

Most actors only stay with the role for three or four seasons. Additionally, in “new Who”, the Doctors have changed with their show runners. RTD and Moffst both oversaw two Doctors, but no Doctor in the current era has had more than one show runner.

That’s where I live! :smiley: :scotland:


Doesn’t particularly matter who the next one is if the show can’t pull itself out of its Chibnall tailspin.

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This is so very true, though I have hope that RTD will be able to pull it off. It would be great if he could get Moffat back to write a few and some of the other veterans.

While I applaud Chibnall’s efforts to give first-time talent a boost, Doctor Who is not the show to cut your teeth on, either in writing or directing. Sci-fi is a much different beast from other genre type shows and you really do need to have prior experience before trying to tackle it.


One of the things I always found weird about the Chibnall era is how zero veteran Doctor Who writers carried over. Not one.

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The grand secret will simply be for them to cast Gatwa and …

(A) Not make a big deal out of it and…
(B) Respect the show’s history, legacy, and lineage.

Chibnall’s problem was that he did neither of these things and his run sucked as hard as it was possible to suck because of it. His final episode seemed more like he was obsessed with making sure he permanently smeared his own take in such a way that it couldn’t be erased. It was more like the show was a vehicle for HIM rather than something he should have been honored to have been a part of.


I fell off the show a long time ago but best of luck to Ncuti. Sex Education is absolutely one of Netflix’s better shows and he is terrific in it. Not someone I would have had pegged as a Doctor admittedly but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Deep fried Mars Bars for everyone MWAHAHAHA!!!

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Tennant himself is Scottish, but his Doctor wasn’t.

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Chibbers was waaaaayyyyyy to concerned with bashing people over the head with his “message”.

It’s an adventure show. Tell me great adventure stories.

BTW is anyone else getting a steampunk vibe off of the few pictures we’ve seen so far of Ncuti? I can really see him in more of the long coats and cravats type costume.

It’d be kind of cool if Gatwa kind of went in a Pertwee-ish direction but with his own spin on it.

Would someone please complain bitterly about something stupid, like how this new guy has an asymmetrical upper lip, or his eyeline is too close to the exact center of his face, or that his name isn’t phonetic, or I guess maybe that his skin has a robust melanin component. You know, something utterly irrelevant that he can’t control that is also loaded with all sorts of past grievances. C’mon people, we can do better than this! We need to be scandalized! Nothing in fandom is ever allowed to change! Who’s with me?

Guys… ?



I think you’re on your own here.


As long as The Doctor has panache, that’s all I ask