Best way to finish your MST3K collection?

When I downloaded it, it was a zipped folder but while I did have to extract it, I didn’t find that too complicated to do, and yes, I still use a computer, although it’s a laptop instead of a desktop. However, it didn’t require any extra programs or anything. So that’s odd that you couldn’t do that.

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There’s also the lost Mylar short that no one seems to have in their possession. I keep hoping that to suddenly appear.

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I can do it (without the zipped folder). I tend to download several tracks at once, and once I get it set up so I have a screen open in my music library which I can refresh each time I download, it’s not that burdensome to do. My point is that they are making it much more complicated than it used to be, and there is a reason for that.

It used to be only albums came in zipped files… which are pointless, since the ZIP format doesn’t reduce binary file sizes at all, really.

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Yeah, I’ve noticed that, too. I was trying to send someone a large file and I zipped it, thinking it would help, but no. It did nothing and I had to find a different way to share it.

I did buy a very large album (or rather several albums; the complete Billy Joel collection), and lately, they’ve made it harder to buy individual tracks all at once so I’ve done mostly just albums (as they probably intended). I used to use the music cart.