Maybe @timryder or @mattmcg22 know?
Had to dig up an old script, but I can tell you that this is fairly accurate.
Tell me where does all the magic go?
When we end this MST live show?
When we go back to space.
Who will tell us to, watch out for snakes…?
When the audience has left their seats.
Will they hashtag us in all their tweets?
Tell me is there a clown in the sky, where is that clown in the sky for me?
Tim, you are the absolute best, thank you.
Wow, I totally forgot about these lyrics. How do we know you didn’t just make them up, huh? How do we know you’re the real Tim Ryder??
He’s a Tim Ryder, but he isn’t the Tim Ryder.
So, what, Costco sells six-packs of Tim Ryders?
Costco sells them in 96-packs.
My brain isn’t braining right now…burnt out from a loooong day… I can’t decide…
- Will the real Tim Ryder please stand up?
- I… am Tim Ryder
- Maybe the real Tim Ryders were the friends we made along the way
I’m sorry, the accidental turn on thread is down the hall.
I’d like to think that you guys are all the @timryder s I made along the way.
That’s right. I’m the god! I’M THE GOD!!
Is David Ryder the evil Tim Ryder or is Tim Ryder the evil David Ryder? Should we start giving Tim nicknames too?
Host Stingerman!
Road Servobot!
Talldude McBonehead!
Vault Picksman!
Re: Are You Ready for Marriage?, what exactly are the “social aspects of marriage”?
Boing, of course.
I think it’s also “Popular Songs”.
To borrow from another short, I thought it was to be introduced in public as Mrs. Bill Johnson. (Boooo!)
What would people think about a riff on Ultraman episodes and movies? I would love to see some of the episodes of the original series (and the TV Special that introduced the show) because they seem so ripe for comments. What do others think?
There’s another great thread for discussions like this: