Completely Random Thoughts ...

Tipping culture’s never really taken off here, and seems to be dropping even more with digital payments.


But in the UK, they don’t get to pay waiters less than minimum wage in the expectation that they’ll make up for it in tips. Not so much the US.


Yeah…weirdly. In 1993 when I was working as a waitress the minimum wage for tipped employees was $2.13/hour…

IT’S STILL $2.13/HOUR!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Didn’t realize that tip wage has been that low for that long, it was criminally low back then, insanely low these days.


Ah, the classic evil person paradox. It’s wrong to pay your employees, but it’s also wrong to expect/ask for charity. Obviously forcing your employees to rely on the latter is more acceptable, and then your non-tippers jump all the way to old fashioned, uh, “unpaid labor”.


Trying to foresee tomorrow’s visit to a supposedly high-end tailor.

“Hi there! I’m looking to buy a suit. Yes, for several funerals in the future. Charcoal grey, flannel, with belt loops.”

While I’m wearing my tailored charcoal grey trousers, black button-up shirt, black A-shirt, belt, and black shoes (well, Chelsea boots, really). (Same “outfit” as today — actually my ordinary wear except for the pants and shoes).

Hey, at least I showered and shaved for fricking Mr. Kim “too busy bother with you I so busy.”

This Mister Master Tailor’s gonna take it and like it. I ain’t fooling around. I want a suit, and I’m gwine pay for it, foo!

/* And yes to that what seems everywhere screen. Judas fricking priest, I’m coming in, in person, to ask you for a slice and your POS screen is “add tip?” Here’s a tip, dumbdonkey: I’m buying a slice at your goddamned shop, and walked in on my on two feet.

It’s hard as R can get. No, those people are not exempt from federal or state minimum wage requirements: they’re regular employees. It’s a way for people to pretend to be cool in front of their dates or whatever. “Yeah, you know how I am, cutie! Chuck a buck there and hump a chump on the way home and it’s all good karma!” */

/** OH!!! While I was reciting the rosary…I just now “figured out” why the RCC doesn’t use the reconstructed silver-age Roman pronunciation…

Yeah, the whole passus sub Pontio Pilato thing…probably don’t like that much.

Well, it’s still the same language…well, whatever. I don’t think Vergil had much to say about it but it sounds better the way he did it, and the RCC practically sanctified that mocrab in the MCC renaissance or before or later…and the eyetalians and fronch lurrved it with tales of Vergil guiding people and so forth…trust me, it was a whole thing, although am not a scholar of mediæval literature nor of latin, really, by any stretch.

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If there’s one thing I’ll remember about today.

It’s Robohorse.


If there’s one thing I’ll not forget since…it’s Robohorse.

One doesn’t know what Robohorse is, although one imagines various horrors, but it will be remembered.

Eh…I think should watch The Big Sleep…maybe that will get Robohorse out of my mind.

/* edit: Also, completely random, WTH were they thinking, doing summer olympics or any kind of anything in goddamned Paris, France of all places? No shtuff there’s going to be a huge hassle. Like the kind that fuels flames.

Paris is a lovely little city, with a very powerful mayor, but that town cannot handle this much commotion.

Also, dammit, it’s apparently the summer olympics or something, so I get to trot out some old Penguin edition of Pindar’s odes and try to make something of those…yet again.

That is all. */


None of us will forget robohorse and its slow journey down the Seine so its rider could deliver some towels a few yards.


Dude, meanwhile that probably many thousands of people have deliberately offed themselves in the Seine…meh, what’cha going to do, it’s a long river, and goes right through town…

In the meantime, I’ve learned that Ardent Studios of Memphis is not at the moment offering what one desires, because they are supposedly “restoring” their “historic” Neumann VMS70 cutting lathe.

I mean, c’mon, man?

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We should ask Sven about it.


My confusion this morning:



I prefer the King Fu Panda version:

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That’s why we call it present.


Now now or later now?


Like… Now!


Random…recently have discovered that the topic of naval armaments is kind of interesting.

Yeah, some of those guns are fricking yuge, and may have a service life of two hundred rounds or just above.

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Oh, hello


I’m not real good at English, but why are bashful and bash almost the same word? They seem a little different