Crazy, pointless fan theories!


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Not a show or movie, but a band… but this band is The Residents, which for all intents and purposes is a show and/or movie.

I always liked to think of them as aliens trying to communicate with Earth. In trying to learn our language, they listened to radio broadcasts which were mostly Top 40 radio. And so they thought that was how we communicated, and they tried to replicate that. But like someone learning a foreign language, their native accent and some grammar still comes through.

So what I’m saying is: The Residents don’t make “weird” music because they are outsider artists, but in fact are being very sincere in their attempt to be accepted. Their music is like broken English.


Sun Ra would like a word. :wink:


It’s not a fan theory with Sun Ra. It’s truth.

Also, after years of just hearing his music but not seeing him speaking, I recently watched Space is the Place, and holy crap the way Sun Ra spoke - his cadence and tone - was eerily similar to one of The Residents’ managers. So they may be aliens too, but have mastered the English language just as Sun Ra had.


He does talk to her on the phone a few times, other people on a cruise mention her (she’s living it up with Goldie (see above)), and someone in a later episode plots to kill her, so I think there’s pretty good evidence she’s real and alive. Unless this really is a cool crossover with Kolchak!


That’s crazy, this has always been one of my personal theories!


After mentioning Mister Ed upthread and not having seen it for decades, I was moved to stop by the video rental store and pick up some episodes on DVD.
The early episodes, at least, play pretty well from the POV that Wilbur actually is insane.
I also noticed that the famous theme song from the show was written by Oscar winners Livingston and Evans, who we MSTies of course know from “Are You Happy in Your Work?” and “Love Came Between Us”. Livingston also was the singer when the words were sung on the show.

EDIT: I withdraw my theory. I just saw another character hear the horse. Still a fun show.


It could still be true. After all, madness can be contagious!


Somebody on YouTube offered examples of My Mother the Car with the mother’s voice coming out of the car’s radio. It pretty much became a study in grief-induced psychosis.


When Disney bought Marvel, I was excited because maybe there would be a crossover and we’d learn that Howard the Duck is the father of Huey, Louie, and Dewey.

I was just being silly but then a coworker chimed in with how that makes total sense given what awful little monsters they are. And a few seconds later he pulls up this family tree which shows that their father conveniently hidden… perhaps for intellectual property reasons?

Donald Duck Family Tree

Most amazing to me was that he knew this image existed. It wasn’t like he went searching for a family tree and happened to find it. He said “oh he’s hidden in the tree… lemme see if I can find it online.” I asked if he had this as a poster in his home, but he didn’t answer that.


I wonder if Howard’s allowed to go pants-free now…

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