Errors logging into the Gizmopolex on Phone

I have a Galaxy phone and cannot enter the gizmoplex on it. Works fine on my computer


I have a Pixel 6. When I start a movie or short I go through the “movie sign” feature, the doors open and the curtains pull back. However, when the video should start I get an error (“This video cannot load or timed out. Please refresh your screen…”) After refreshing I still get the same error. No movie or short will play. The exact same thing happens.

I can see the movie backers on the backer level of the Gizmoplex. I can even search for my name. All features on that level work.

Kingadome top level also loads the current Crow guard scene telling me to buy a ticket or hit the road. (Hearing crow say something snarky here rather than just having a speech bubble would be fantastic, btw.)

No other errors found yet while using my Google Pixel 6 phone, but the videos not playing is a pretty major issue.

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Agree - Unable to log in with a Galaxy S20

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Mr Bean Waiting GIF by MOODMAN

Me waiting for my Gizmoplex invite.


The Gizmopo is supposed to be optimized for Chrome. Are you chroming it up?

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Chrome browser and Samsung Internet browser on my phone (Samsung S9) are both giving me this error. I was hoping using Chrome instead of Samsung Internet would work, but no luck as of right now.

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