Favorite Cheesy Movie of All Time?

Hulk Hogans Mr. Nanny :slight_smile:


I love Planet of the Dinosaurs, and for the life of me I’ve never been able to put my finger on why. Wonder Women is worth it for the world’s most absurd public hazard of a chase scene alone, though the cockfighting scene is tough to watch (but easy to skip). Bonus: about a second of screen time for The Girl in Gold Boots “star” Leslie McRae.


For me, I like Planet of the Dinosaurs because of the running “and let’s see the cast one more time” joke. It reminds me of the Monty Python “and now for something completely different” running gag. And also for Kevin’s barely surviving the high note. I’ll definitely give Wonder Women a watch.

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If Matt can mention Mars Attacks! then I want Big Trouble In Little China. Those weapons! That dialogue! Those neon lights! Nothing wrong with intentional cheese.




The books aren’t great, the film is worse yet I just have this huge soft spot for both.

Jim Carey’s Grinch as well, I know lots of people dislike it but it has some iconic lines in it (hate, hate hate hate, loathe entirely) and it’s the first introduction to The Grinch I can actually remember

There’s also a film that I know is terrible but I have to watch it every time it’s on TV. Any time I try to recall title or the plot I can’t but I know it the moment I see it. It’s so weird. One day I will remember it outside of watching it. But it is not this day.


You’re killing me!
I need more data!


I had one of those @Eevee , but for me it wasn’t a movie or show, but a song. A song that HAUNTED me for years of my childhood, and I’d only catch pieces of it on the radio, but could never get the artists’ name or the name of the song, or even make out enough of the lyrics to ask anyone.

Until the internet that is. When that came around near the end of my teen years, my mystery was finally solved!

The song is still kind of haunting to me though, from having it be a mystery for so long…

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I’m sorry!
Its rather annoying me right now that I can’t recall it!
I’ll make sure to share if I remember :rofl:

Maybe then I’ll finally be able to remember myself for good

And possibly regret it depending how bad the film is

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Seriously! I don’t normally watch an action sequence in a movie while feeling legitimately worried about the people involved in making it.


One of my favorite movies is Dune. It is over the top bonkers with a case of overacting. I watched it again last week, and I found myself riffing it like crazy. All these years, I never realized how easy it would be to riff, especially when you have the film memorized.


That might be TOO much of a “low hanging fruit” situation… because really… you could do a half hour of riffs on Sting’s “metal diaper” ALONE!


LOL so true, I had to take a break halfway through the movie. Some moments are similar to taking a shotgun to a piñata from 5 feet, just waaaay too easy.


So I still can’t remember what the film is (and yes it’s been bugging me since I posted it!) but searching Google for what it might be reminded me of another cheesy film I have to admit I enjoy

Batman and Robin. With the nipple suits and the weird storyline and George Clooney. There’s classic Adam West cheese and then there’s Batman And Robin.

Also, since we’re talking Dune, can I toss Krull into the mix too?


Not my absolute favorite cheesy movie, but definitely up there: Nothing But Trouble.


I see your Krull, and raise you… a Kull:


I feel like we are dangerously close to turning on all 80s sci-fi movies…

“Riff them!” “Riff them all!”


Bonus post: I’m not sure if anyone else had this mindset, but in the 80s, my mom and I would intentionally look for movies with 2 or 2.5 stars in the newspaper (which had the TV guide for that day), because all the good science fiction was always disrespected like that.

Am I right? Or did I just enjoy bad movies from very early on?


Laurel & Hardy? Or Chase & Ackroyd?


Chase and Aykroyd