For April 1st, I...

Genetically spliced together a cat/rabbit hybrid! Mwahahaha!
I call it … the Cabbit!



Will it be travelling to Gor to engage in heroic adventures?


For April 1st, I don’t believe a gosh darn thing I read from ANYWHERE. I feel bad for anyone that actually has something to announce on this day.

Though I have said for years that if I were to ever get married, I’d do it on April 1st, because no one would believe it anyway. :joy:


I dressed in UPS brown even though I work for the USPS :grin:


Crap…lol…this was on the other day on the Vizio watch free MST3K channel…and all I thought of was the post from the MST3K drinking game ideas…Drink everytime someone says Cabot…no don’t do that you’ll be dead! :laughing: :laughing:


Today IS my wedding anniversay, and that’s not a joke. I never forget our anniversary because it’s Arpil 1, which is just how it worked out with the venue, planning, it just came together to be that day of the year.


A couple of my best friends got married on Apr 1st, because they believed strongly in “celebrating the foolish joy in life.” That sounds like a wonderful reason to me!

And happy anniversary!


I’m working today and hoping no one plays any pranks. I’m not a big fan of most pranks because most of them are mean.

That said, on an April Fool’s Day a couple of years ago, my daughter taped little pieces of paper with emojis on them in various parts of the house and various objects I would notice. That’s a harmless prank and was very cute. But I still don’t like pranks much.


Thank you so much!

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Happiest kudos and congratulations to you folks!

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Thank you! Didn’t post for kudos, only because somebody else mentioned getting married on this day, but thank you regardless :grin:


… wish to do the old “whoopee-cushion in the hand” trick, but I don’t have one with me…


@Stud_Cumming I must have one

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I lament that I don’t have one of those spring-loaded cans of peanut brittle that contains a novelty snake instead of actual peanut brittle.


I loved that thing at my grandparents house back in the 70’s/80’s. So much fun when you found somebody new to trick!



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So I came home for lunch and my daughter, who is home on Spring Break, came at me with a spray bottle. Then she told me she made me a taco for lunch, which turned out to be a flour tortilla filled with crushed Tostitos, peanuts and spare change with a side glass of salt water. I did not sample. She put a blanket on the hooks where I put my coat. Then I went to the bedroom to change since I get to work from home for a half-day and found the bed covered in peanuts and wasabi peas. She told me that was her prank for mommy. I cleaned that up before mommy got home and threw a fit about the mess and told her to find a less food-related prank for mommy which she spent the rest of lunchtime thinking up.

So now she has signs on all the doors telling her not to go in and piles of things in front of the doors. And she did the blanket thing again.

I hate April Fool’s Day.


Watching a movie I watch every year like I do with Groundhog Day. Just added today on Showtime streaming for those who don’t have it in the cloud or on DVD.

april fools 80s GIF

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I am going to be M-A-double D MADD if it turns out the most distant star discovered is either not a star or not named after a Tolkien character.

And I do mean ANGRY.


I thought I read about that last night…so hopefully not a prank!

It’s not nice to prank space nerds. Just sayin’.

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