Friday the 13th Riffers?

Happy Friday the 13th all!

Does anyone have any indie riffer suggestions for the Friday the 13th films?

I love Hor-RIFF-ic, and they did the do first 5 Friday the 13th films and I’ve listened to them quite a few times. I’m really looking for some riffs for the films from 6+ or alternatives for the first 5.

Let me know if you know of any and if not maybe we can create a group to write and riff are own so people have them in the future.


Comedians Matt Gourley and Paul Rust have a podcast called “In Voorhees We Trust”, where they watch and discussed all the films. I really enjoyed the Friday the 13th season.

They did release at least one (Part IV) commentary track which can be found on their Patreon:


I’ve seen 3-5 and 8 from some other riffer. I would love to see one for 6 since it’s my favorite.


Blockquote I would love to see one for 6 since it’s my favorite.

Same here! If Hor-RIFF-ic ever comes out of retirement, #6 should be the one they do it with.


Blockquote Comedians Matt Gourley and Paul Rust have a podcast called “In Voorhees We Trust”, where they watch and discussed all the films. I really enjoyed the Friday the 13th season. They did release at least one (Part IV) commentary track which can be found on their Patreon:

Thanks for this recommendation! I’m going to check it out!

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Just started listening to the podcast, it is fantastic. Thanks again for the recommendation. It reminds me a bit of the documentary Crystal Lake Memories.

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I’m so glad you liked it! They are really nice guys and this show, including their Halloween series, is goofy and charming and I really enjoyed it too.


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