Full-screen doesn't work right on Safari

Am I the only one having an issue going full screen in Chrome?


Full screen works fine for me in Chrome on my MacBook Pro.

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As long as we keep paying the annual maintenance fee, the apps will remain available in their current form. If the apps get way more usage than the website, we could explore bringing the Virtual Theater to one or more app platforms in the future – it would just mean shifting the budget and focus a lot. But the apps should be available for at *least *as long as the Gizmoplex keeps premiering new content, and hopefully indefinitely.

No plan to do that. We’d rather you be happy.

I hear you. I wish the Scener browser extension was available for other browsers and devices, so that the desire to offer “watch parties” wouldn’t essentially force us to focus on Chrome. And we’re still working on supporting as many browsers as possible with the rest of the features – so far, it sounds like Firefox is working just as well as Chrome.