Future KTMA in the Gizmoplex

Or…somebody is going to ask it so it might as well be me!

Could there possibly be any chance of some other episodes from the KTMA season finding their way onto the Gizmoplex? I know how the original crew feels about these episodes and Joel has been hesitant to release them in the past, but there is a portion of the fandom that enjoys these episodes. It would be nice to have them available as museum pieces if nothing else.

If the crew is worried about people paying for episodes they deem to be of poor quality, perhaps they could be reduced in price, or cycled in and out every month on the “events” ticket. Or perhaps only release the episodes that were redone later and include them as “freebies” when you buy the redone episodes (i.e. if you buy the Season 3 Gamera, you get the KTMA version as a bonus.)

This might be an interesting topic to revisit since Million Eyes of Sumaru, a KTMA movie, is getting redone in Season 13. What do you think, sirs?


I feel like it’s partially the video quality, and partially the rights to the movies AND the fact they redid quite a few of the movies.

So idk if they’ll find a home on the ‘Plex. But when KTMA03 resurfaces, I’ll spend my kids college fund on it! (Not really, but you get the idea)


I wish I had the grades to go to kids college.


Kids college was the working title for Billy Madison.


To paraphrase Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: they belong in a museum!

Seeing K01 & K02 for the first time was such a great experience. Yeah, riffing is the most sparse it ever got, but dang it, I loved seeing it, and I liked the two supermarionation films so much I’ve actually watched the episodes and various other Gerry & Sylvia Anderson puppet series since then. Heck, even Space 1999 is very engaging for me after watching Cosmic Princess (it had a fantastic Star Trek feel to it).


Them KTMA’s is good for watching the movies.


My favorite KTMA episode, SST Deathflight, is where riffing really started picking up. That said, I still want a reriff of this episode. This watering hole of B-movie actors film has the all-star B-cast in spades, plus early work of Billy Crystal and John de Lancie!


during the virtual theater tour after the santo premiere, i’m fairly sure i spotted revenge of the mysterons in the collection while showing the ‘how to browse through your collection’ bit, which i think was ktma only and not rebooted in later seasons. may be wrong, but may be hope for some episides turning up.


You’re not the only one:


Having not discovered the J. Elvis Weinstein episodes until much later in my fandom, I’ve grown to love his time on the show. Thus, I would be thrilled if they included the KTMA.


KTMA absolutely should be part of the Gizmoplex. I don’t know why there’s never a clear answer as to why they don’t rerelease them, but I would assume they simply don’t have a lot of the master tapes for them. K01 and K02 could be the only ones they have. I could be wrong though, and I would be happy to be proven wrong. KTMA episodes are not just historically significant, but they’re also a lot funnier than people would expect them to be. There are some solid improvised riffs in these early episodes, and I was even laughing a few times at them. KTMA episodes are begging to be released in higher quality, and I hope they can implement them into the Gizmoplex.


Some cool fans could edit themselves into the other side of the theater and make lots of pre written jokes in the long stretches between when Joel and the bots do it. But when Joel and the bots do speak up, the cool fans could say “hey pipe down over there”.


I brought this up elsewhere when I noticed Joel’s episodes for sale begin with #022. I didn’t get an official Gizmoplex reply. I would think that whatever problems they might have with rights, at least the Sandy Frank productions redone in Season 3 would already be cleared – that would be about a third of them. Another obstacle would be finding quality copies, but since K01 and K02 were found, there’s hope for others.

I like the KTMA season in small bites because it’s a documentary look into how the show developed and the many things they kept in place for the move to cable. By the end of the season they were genuinely funny, and you could tell the guys were runnig on fumes (of some sort). Anyway, I’ve got two episodes in my purchases list, and it would be great if others were available for all.


Invaders from the Deep and Revenge of the Mysterons were part of the backer rewards for the first Kickstarter, so I guess now that they’ve been released into the wild they will probably be available on the Gizmoplex. I don’t know about any of the others.


I’d love to see them as well. The quality does not matter, they would still be fun.


Upon rewatching both invaders from the deep and revenge of the mysterons showed up, but where you normally see Joel in red at the bottom left corner on the canister artwork, they look grey , ep numbers 001 and 002. So yeah, if they had been released prior to this already , makes sense the space is there for them in the theater. :slightly_smiling_face:

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[cough] Nice night for it! [cough cough]


If it doesn’t rain.


It’s always a nice night if it doesn’t rain.


If the moon isn’t too warm.