Hard times with MST3K

Oh, and I’m watching Danger! Death Ray to help me feel better. :smiley:

I woke up at 4 a.m. with a sore, scratchy throat and coughing a bit. It came to me that it might be COVID… and then, I couldn’t go back to sleep. Even finding a place where I could get tested was difficult on a Saturday and in an area with extremely high numbers. Rapid tests are gone and the local hospital will only provide a PCR test with a doctor’s order. I’ll be lucky if I get the results back in 2 days. I may be out of quarantine before I know if the quarantine was necessary.


I guess I wasn’t too clear. The soundtrack was fine. It’s the audio for everything else. It seems like they did not have a very good microphone when shooting (I’d bet that it was one built into the camera which are always terrible) so a lot of scenes in this movie are just garbled noise. Like the shots at the amusement park. The background noise drowns out the dialogue. The addition of the music (which plays non-stop) adds to the frustraition of trying to hear what the cast is saying.

I am willing to forgive a bad movie for a lot of things, but bad sound is not one of them.

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It was?

Even the “acting” and “plot” was better than that horrid noodling!

IMHO! :melting_face:

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I feel better knowing I’m not the only one.

An island unto myself, if you weeeeel.


I see the RiffTrax A Talking Cat?!? is available on YouTube. Think I’ll watch it tonight.

My hard time? It’s only Tuesday, and it’s only January. And, you know, the world being like it is.

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I’m COVID free! And so I’m watching Giant Gila Monster to celebrate. :slight_smile:


Not only great health news, but a superior episode choice.

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Will you be singing while whacking a piece of sheet metal with a hammer?


No, but I might sing when I sing when I’m sitting in my office all alone. :smiley:


I wish I could more clearly remember my first episode watch but it’s a bit of a haze. Over a winter break, I’d got sick, really sick- confined to couch level stuff. My mother and her then boyfriend were off for a holiday vacation, so for… 3 or 4 days at least I was on the couch and there was a marathon going on. At the same time, a local PBS stn started to air Red Dwarf. So in my whatever state throughout the day/night, I was flipping back and forth between the two, not quite fully making sense of either.

Since then it’s been a bit in and out of my life, but have always been a fan, just not always easy to come across and get info and catch up on, but I’ve managed pretty well. Some of it was rough times, for sure. I have a special spot for a few eps, but really just throw in Joel’s era and I’m good.

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Rattlers! is a great performance by Cinematic Titanic. It’s a personal favorite. Grizzly with Rifftrax is a wonderful follow up