Mike’s at the Helm and Jan’s in the Pan! Science and stalking and way too much talking!
I’m visiting Olympic National Park today, I might be late.
Talk amongst yourselves…
Pre episode trivia… Marilyn Hanold, who has a brief scene as a beauty contestant in this flick, played a henchwoman in the Batman episode. “The Devil’s Fingers”, with Liberace.
Bumping this from the summit of Hurricane Hill.
Be there or be polygonal.
Sorry everyone, I’d watch along but I’m visiting a bunch of people near Chicago and I don’t think they would be into it.
Whiskey, i never touch the stuff.
WOOHOO! Watch Party Friday!
And we got a historical episode featuring Mike’s debut! So much to take in with this one!
Let’s do this!
Everybody at this party keeps talking over the movie.
I learned how to drive watching this movie! Oh, and doctor stuff too
(looks at watch for several seconds)
It’s still not dead!
Movie Approved for Watchalong!
I hope your driving is in a different state from me, or a different continent.
This is a good movie for me, I’ve been feeling brain-dead all week.
If you use that tray to make cookies, do you just scrub it or do you line it with tin foil?
Wait. Is that quote in this episode? I thought it was from The Leech Woman.
This was kind of a weird Hallmark Channel movie. You typically have a gingerbread house contest or a small town bakery just trying to survive in a small town
I thought it was. I could be wrong.
Jogging some memories here: I remember discovering this episode and Mike in general at a Suncoast Video. My MST knowledge at that time was limited to about a dozen or so Joel episodes on a broadcast station and didn’t have internet access yet.
Bought this and Mitchell right away. Spent the evening watching both back-to-back and it was so much fun and exhilarating. Great times!
There’s booze in this flick, just not that particular reference.
Poor Jan. I bet she felt that burning sensation all the time because Dr. Creepy and Dr. Flunky put whiskey in her pan, instead of something soothing like Sleepytime.