Hope I can get in tonight

Still haven’t received the e-mail. Asked for a resend to my hotmail account of the survey but nothing came. Sent an e-mail to the mst3k kickstarter e-mail with phone number and backer number but am worried it might come in too late, if it gets in tonight at all. I know I filled out the survey forever ago but I vaguely remembering issues with Backerkit and Hotmail before (and yes, I checked junkmail and the deleted bin)
Just in case there’s an easier way to resolve this, anyone have any suggestions?

Have you tried going through the KS site and getting to your backerkit info that way?

So I have the backer number but if there’s more info I need that can be gotten on the KS site, do you have instructions? I have the link but everytime I click “resend survey” it never arrives. View pledge tells me the backer number and pledge amount ($75) but not much more than that.

Try this link:

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I did. That’s the resend I tried multiple times. I’m pretty sure my service provider is rejecting it, as this is the message I got from Joel

"We’re messaging you through Kickstarter because we’ve been attempting to email you with a link to your #MakeMoreMST3K Reward Survey, and your email provider has been “dropping” the request and refusing to accept the email from BackerKit.com.

(It might be worth asking your email provider what you can do to prevent that, just so you don’t miss other emails about Kickstarter rewards in the future!)

We’re hoping this message makes it to you – and if it does, you can complete your reward survey right now using this link:

same link

Let us know if that works, or if you have any other questions!"

I’m pretty sure I found another way to fill the survey months ago but I’m pretty sure even at the time it didn’t help.

The only other thing I can suggest is trying the help email: kickstarter@mst3k.com I don’t know if anyone will be able to help this close to the premiere time, but you can try.

I sent it already. Thanks. This is my solution but I was hoping that there might have been something I missed that could have provided an easy fix. All the same, I appreciate the advice.

Maybe try Twitter? I’ve seen other customer support answered there kind of quickly, not for these orgs, but still worth a try? Good luck!

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Give it a shot, though unfortunately I can’t message them directly. Hopefully they’ll see my tweet.

I got you! Check your DMs in a second!

Who is your email provider?

AWESOME! I GOT IN! With 15 minutes to spare. Perfect way to start my weekend. Thanks to everyone giving me a hand and for the community to be pretty quick to help.