Mads and Others in the Theater: Yay or Nay?

Heck yeah Kinga and Max should get a taste of their own medicine, then shock all by showing they’re pretty good at it. They just prefer not to.

As I said before, I can see Cabal forcing them to riff a reel to show their “loyalty” to him…then we find out he’s fake a couple of shows later. Bound to happen.

But as far as the Synthias go, I would like Synthia would be better at it, partially because she went on tour. She should be more involved in the show aside from the ads.


I wouldn’t mind seeing Kinga and Max riff a short sometime. Felicia and Patton seem like the types who would love to do it, and I think Max would be a good riffer. Kinga might be a little too impatient and angry and I don’t see her as the type with a lot of pop culture knowledge to draw on.


There’s plenty of seats, get everyone in. Hosts, mads, bots, clones, etc for a one off or possibly annual event.


The more the merrier, as far as I’m concerned. They should be stuffed in everywhere and anywhen. Regular episodes, live events, not-so-live events, events in my back yard (I promise I won’t do any mad scientist style noggin conking on anyone who doesn’t deserve it).

Seriously, with the amount of talent surrounding this show, why put any limits on who does the riffing? I don’t even care if they have to obviously shoe-horn in something ridiculous, just think of it as meta-commentary on what a cheesy movie would do. This is MST3K, that’s exactly the kind of thing they should be doing!


I’m game.


Well, in that scenario there’s only one explanation possible:

He’s an astral projection by Servo, who still had some minor superpowers left from his short career as an Observer!


So, the other day I had a thought along these lines. There was talk in another thread about Waverly and Growler in the theater, and pretty much everyone hated the idea of one of them replacing Tom and/or Crow. But here’s an idea. What if the lineup was always Tom, Jonah/Emily, and Crow, but for some theater segments they would be joined by someone who would sit to Tom’s left. Perhaps have GPC2 there for a segment so she wouldn’t just pop in for one joke then leave. Then Waverly could be in another segment, Growler in another. Maybe have a “glitch” and we wind up with an extra Tom or Crow (voiced by the opposite cast member.) You could have the mads in there for a segment, and maybe Kinga would get upset at sitting so close to Jonah so they’d make a show of moving further left.

I think it’d be a nice way to have some more characters in the theater without compromising the classic trio. What do you all think?


I could go with that!

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I’m all for a Mads episode, I loved the ones that happened before. Get Felicia and Patton in there with perhaps Dr. St. Phibes or Tim Ryder in Bonehead mode.

The premise could be that the Mads are testing a new, fully VR version of the SOL instead of the physical simulator and become trapped in it, the program not terminating until the movie completes.