Movies for MST3K After Dark (or my name, MST Eclipse)

I’m sure Shannon Tweed would be in about half of the films on MST3K After Dark.


Possibly. I don’t remember the name, but there was at least one other talking vagina movie.

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I’m actually thinking about watching that sometime?


I remember one title but I can’t repeat it here.

Off the top of my head?

“The Girl Next Door”

“Embrace of the Vampire”

I’m probably forgetting a few obvious additional titles?

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I enjoyed it though it was not my favorite Tom Robbins book (I preferred Jitterbug Perfume and Still Life with Woodpecker both).


We watched VelociPastor in one of our regular bad movie nights and sadly, it did not deliver on this wonderful sounding promise.


Having read up on this one and seen the preview several years ago, I doubt I’d get through even the riffed version. I get that the level of gore wouldn’t shock most viewers these days, but just the mean-spiritedness of the whole venture would probably do me in long before it was over. :confused:


That might be the case. Here are some of the critics per Wikipedia:

Variety: It is a “totally inept shocker,” “incredibly crude and unprofessional from start to finish” and “an insult even to the most puerile and salacious of audiences”

The Los Angeles Times: Blood Feast is “a blot on the American film industry.”

Austin Chronicle: “offensive, nasty, shabby, and revolting, but also great fun, if you can stand the sight of guts.”

Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings: Lewis “manages to make his movies look like home movies without giving them that air of verisimilitude that would make them believable.”

Ozus’ World Movie Reviews: Blood Feast is “one of those really bad films that some take pleasure laughing at and others sneering at and others doing both.”

Allmovies: “The plot is threadbare, the acting is on a par with the clumsiest of high school plays and the direction is static and uninvolving. Nevertheless, this is one of the important releases in film history, ushering in a new acceptance of explicit violence that was obviously just waiting to be exploited”

Stephen King said Blood Feast is “the worst horror movie” he has ever seen.

And then, there is the creator himself, “I’ve often referred to Blood Feast as a Walt Whitman poem. It’s no good, but it was the first of its type.”


Damn I’ve got the complete Leaves Of Grass and I’m totally blanking out on whichever poem was the ode to hanging junkies upside while murdering them and being dressed like a reject from Boogie Nights. :laughing: I guess I better reread it!


Lewis wrote a novelization of Blood Feast. Perhaps you could write an article doing a compare and contrast.


Before or after I fully commit to veganism? :thinking:


It’s an easily riffable movie for amateurs like us. Enjoy! Or don’t!


I think the key is to come in with bargain basement expectations and an adult beverage or two.

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There was also this weird movie I watched on Prime, Its called Breaking and Exiting… It just feels so Riffable… It’s also one of those rare movies that fails the Chekov’s gun…

Seriously The Main character’s brother or cousin or whatever, keeps mentioning going to some thing at grandma’s… and for some reason they never actually show it…

Even without that it’s a weird movie… It’s about a guy who breaks into houses for… Some reason (it’s seriously never explained why he doesn’t just get a real job), then he finds a lady in the bathtub trying to commit not-life, and they kinda just fall in love…

It’s like a Hallmark movie style plot, but with way more swearing…

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That sounds so confusing. I’ll check it out. Thanks!

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I’m pretty sure there’s a few 80s fantasy movies that could qualify.

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Have fun…

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The level of gore is more than “Law and Order” but less than “Numb3rs”. :wink: Now, if anything about this film shocks me, it’s how little I remember of it having seen it within the past two years, so I’m probably off about the level of gore. IIRC, it’s mostly post-facto, someone lying a pool of blood or what-have-you.

As for mean-spirited-ness, I’d rate it at about a Manos level, with a kind of similar “ooh, we’re so dark and gritty” combined with a “we’re so incompetent, it’s all sorta goofy”.