MST3K Christmas/holiday traditions?

We’ve had discussions all over the holiday spectrum, looking at new MST3K Christmas episode suggestions, which MST3K Christmas episode brought on the most laughs, films we like to watch around the holidays, and as Turkey Day rolled around, different Turkey Day traditions we all liked to take part in.

I was thinking that we’d turn that focus on MST3K traditions to the Christmas/holiday season.

Do you have any traditions around this time of year incorporating MST3K? Maybe gradually hauling out the Christmas episodes one by one or making a mini-marathon event of it all?

Now that Jonah has a Christmas episode with The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t, do you incorporate that into your holiday viewing habits?

Do you put the MST3K Christmas episodes on as background noise while decorating or gift-wrapping or getting things into readiness? How about snacks, music, anything like that?

Whether you make it a Patrick Swayze Christmas, rock out to Santa Klaws (if that’s okay), or crank up the Humbug FM, let’s hear about it!


One a day leading up to Christmas, including Cinematic Titanic, The Mads and one or two Rifftrax items.


This one. It’s particularly effective with films that are basically radio plays, like some of the old MST3K features (The Dead Talk Back, The Brute Man, Radar Secret Service) and the Bridget & Mary Jo Sherlock Holmes episodes.

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I try to wait until the first snow arrives until I put on Jack Frost.

I definitely put on the Christmas trio as the holiday arrives! :slight_smile:


I marathon the Christmas episodes while I cook dinner, sort of like Turkey Day.


I do like to watch the Xmas episodes around Xmas but out of respect for my husband I do it when he’s not around.

He’s not a Mistie like me, but he likes the show fine – he just finds both Santa Claus and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians to be unwatchably horrible.


Im starting a new tradition.
To me, the new year doesn’t start til I’ve seen an MST3K live show at the beginning of the year.
So 2020 and 2021 never happened.


I don’t know how this will change after Season 13, but after a post work nap on Christmas Eve I marathon the MST Christmas movies and the Rifftrax on the Star Wars Holiday Special into Christmas Day.

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I REALLY want to make my kids watch Santa Claus & Santa Claus Conquers the Martains. But, alas, I know they just wouldn’t be that into it. What could be a more perfect tradition?! …frizzle frazzin’ kids!


It’s never a bad time to run Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, but it’s even better as a lead-in to Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas on Christmas Day


I just watched Frost last night. Definitely a Christmas season tradition here.


For the past dozen years, watching Stalag 17 has been a December tradition for us. We watch and riff it anew each year, often incorporating MST quotes. So, that’s kinda, sorta an MST3K thing if you squint at it.


I’ve loved Emmet Otter since I was a kid. What a wonderful, beautifully done family movie. A true classic. I’m glad I’m not the only one still enjoying it


Oh, the usual…


And made right here in Virginia, home of the Quality Threat™.

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Definitely not alone in that. I got a pair of these, one for my brother and one for me.


I’ve watched Santa Claus Conquers the Martians every single Xmas Eve since it aired, so this will be the checks notes 30th year? Holy geez.

I often wonder whatever happened to the woman whose letter Joel reads at the end of the episode. I need an update!


For the past few years, I put together a Xmas Playlist of MST3K and RiffTrax Christmas Specific Riffs/Shorts, put it on ‘shuffle’ and let it run all day/night :blush:


Same here… though I now sometimes substitute the Cinematic Titanic version, depending on which we’ve watched more recently. Typically we end up watching Santa Claus too, and now Fun in Balloonland, Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny and a few other Rifftrax shorts to extend the season of holiday cheer.

In terms of holiday traditions, usually my Shout Factory DVD set Tom Servo also doubles as a tree-topper. (It helps that being made out of durable plastic, he can take a tumble when one of the cats decided the silly humans left them a perfectly good jingly stepladder to get up on top of the bookcase) I feel a bit bad about having to drill a hole in Tom’s undersection to get him to sit on there, but it appears he doesn’t mind too much.

“I’m experiencing a sensation altogether new to me, and frankly, I love it!”


Same. I love the CC original but CT is less drilled into my head.