MST3K Cosplay question

I just had the idea to try and do a mid-century “Emily” for the upcoming show. Trying to find a purple dress that fits my idea is harder than I expected. What if I added a Gizmonic patch to this one- what do you think, sirs(or madams, or whichever you prefer)?


Even though it was never riffed by MST3K, I’d do a Bernie Clifton-style costume, but based on the look of The Giant Claw (1957).


Do you have the perfect helmet-hair wig to go with this? Also don’t forget to carry a pretend casserole or warm pie.

(If you wanted to split the difference, you could assemble a Mod pants suit or even a 1970s leisure suit, so long as the right colors were available.)


Finding the right color is proving to be the trickiest part


Sorry I’m late contributing to this thread…



I just now finally have my red jumpsuit and will be handing out full-size candy bars tomorrow night… (yellow hard hat and all) Hard hat needs a Gizmonic logo, may get that done in time?

(Major irrigation repairs this week has me sore and tired)

I still want to build a TARDIS for Halloween (2022?) so that has to be the next project? Was supposed to be the C19 project, but life gets in the way?

Would it be wrong if I showed up with said TARDIS as any of the Doctors, and just continually asked, “How do they eat … and breathe?”


Yes, yes, I know. I’m weird.