Mystery Science Pathfinder 3000 Act V: The Indestructible Play by Post campaign

If Rika made these potions herself, they should probably be at higher than minimum level, right?

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For chargen purposes, she bought them at an outfitter so they didn’t cost more.

(Partly because I had enough trouble getting her equipment costs calculated that I didn’t want to do more math with the potions.)


OOC: LA sees the new healer in town and waves goodbye in his head to all the money he was making from billing the party member’s health insurance.

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I wouldn’t recycle those claim forms just yet – giving the party more healing just means the GM can throw more damage at us and make us use it up.

ren and stimpy nicksplat GIF

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And even though we’ve been told the citizens of Telhain are self sufficient and prefer to just walk off minor injuries and illnesses, there must be some serious injuries from time to time among the farmers and tradesmen, Raegar’s dwarves working in the forge, and people arriving in caravans. I’m sure both LA and Rika could find plenty to do between adventures.


Coleman told y’all to stay home !

Branim’s probably the town doctor too, as well as the innkeeper and real estate tycoon. Heal is a class skill for Alchemists.

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Survival roll: 14 +3 = 17

“Kenny, check on Ori, will you? He’s OK? Well, looks like we can proceed!”

ETA: “Kenny, make sure you keep an eye out for Rika, we might need one of her potions for old Ori’s tummy!”


You should have made that post last week when the GM was not online and might have missed seeing it.

I bet you were the kind of kid who reminded the teacher to give the class homework. :rofl:


That gets reduced to 10, but is good enough to ensure that Coleman does not have to make a Fortitude save to avoid being sickened as he eats the first couple of burnt ‘pancakes’ he produces. That’s as far as he gets before Lucilia smells what he is up to, and chases the Dwarf out of her kitchen. “You only made two pancakes! How could you possibly have used up half a dozen eggs, and nearly an entire tub of butter?”


“Old Dwarven secret recipe.”


“Well, Kenny and Frog just had to help themselves, and as far as the eggs go, if I knew you had to take the shells off first, we only wouldv’e used four!”

sick the sandlot GIF


Oh I’m sure @TheHippy didn’t need my help seeing the implications. I’m sure he’s probably like “YES, now I get to use the REALLY scary Undead!”

Art Horror GIF


This is what happens when you try to make pancakes at night. They’re for breakfast.


As the group is walking to the Temple Of Aroden, LA stops and sniffs at the air.

“Smells like Coleman is having some trouble with his pancakes - I can smell the burning from here. Frog must be completely overwhelmed with his super smeller right now.”


Frog is seriously reconsidering his choice not to attend tonight’s services.


Bonnie will have to sit down with Coleman and Frog after church and tell them she is quite happy to keep being the pancake maker.

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Rika preps Remove Sickness every day, and it provides a +4 bonus to the Saving Throw if she casts it before you’re already sick.

So just make sure you let her know in advance the next time Coleman plans to cook, rather than waiting until it’s on the table.


“Sorry, we knew how busy you all were what with all the kids, the services, and dinner at the keep. We were just trying to help, but we’ll take you up on that !”

Bonnie will offer to teach Coleman to make pancakes so he can do it if Bonnie isn’t around and he just can’t wait.

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