No more than 3 consecutive replies are allowed.

I suppose there is some utility to forcing people to consolidate their thoughts into one post, but sometimes the natural flow of a thread manifests as multiple, single thought, replies.

This error:

is the same as saying “you can’t participate right now because nobody else is online”.


That happened to me with the screengrabs thread. And I was following the rules (no more than 3 photos in a post) but following the rule required doing more than 3 posts in a row (and I didn’t do them one after the other, I waited to try the 4th). It was early in the morn (in my neck of the woods) but thankfully @MichaelRobertson was online and helped me out by posting a pic.

And I’m not sure anyone posted after that, or at least didn’t for a long while. So if not for Michael…


Hmmm. True. The thread you reference is an excellent example.

It might be a thing to prevent someone from overtaking a thread. Or, in what’s very likely a rare case, farming certain badges. The “explain a plot badly” thread has kind of a particular, succinct thing goin’ that isn’t an expected “use case”.


I can also see it stifling the participation of a user who isn’t online every day and their favorite thread is really active. They won’t be able to reply to everything they want to, if they come at the wrong time.


Oh, absolutely. I agree with you. Just playin’ some devil’s advocate.

Thinking about it, a user’s trust level might also be a factor…?


Could you include a time limit for the consecutive posts? Like 3 in a row within 24hours?

Or maybe just increase it to 5 in a row? But then that could be a slippery slope of increasing consecutive posts…

I feel like a time limit for consecutive posts is most effective, but could also be EXTREMELY difficult to implement.

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In those cases, one could always do the ‘multi quote in one post’ thing, as this lad did here?

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That is something I hadn’t though about- but maybe that’s where you can go from 3 to 5 consecutive posts? As a “trusted” or “backer” member.

That could possibly deter people from spamming.


I at first thought that the 3-reply wrist slap was meant to deter trolling a particular person you didn’t get along with? But then the slap message suggests sending that person a DM, which… uh, Discourse: perhaps you want to rethink this plan…? :thinking:


Out of curiosity, I looked, it was the thread with Yucca Flats, Death Ray, etc. I posted 3, waited a day, but no one posted. And no one posted after me, either. I’d have been stuck in limbo if not for the helping hand.


I wish the topic creator could choose to turn that on or not.


It’s there to stop spam, I get that. I’m not a fan, however. IMO, they should reset it to five.

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It is to prevent ‘heated’ posters who won’t stop posting when they are mad and Spammers who come in to disrupt a discussion. You can always edit a post to add more content.


This has wrecked my scattershot, “oh, yeah, and another thing!” momentum in the past… that said, probably a good thing(?)


Or else I’d close my phone, take a sip of coffee, and march right back in with another post. Not cool, bruh


I’ve had that warning in the Explain a MST3K episode plot badly. thread. I suppose I could just post the random plots in one, but I usually think of one and post it and then think of another, and quite frankly I like seeing just one in a post rather than a whole bunch. However, that’s my own personal preference.


And, if someone bestows a heart, you know for which plot it was bestowaled.


I tried to post a trailer to the one trailer thread, only to hit that wall, even though it had been some time since my last post in that thread.

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It happened to me in The Lounge during Halloween weekend; I get that not a lot of people were online during a busy weekend, but I was posting random clips for people to check out at their leisure. Then I got completely stalled out because no one replied for a day.

I wonder if there’s a way to do time, as in, no more than three consecutive posts in a hour or something. Spammers are not known for their patience, LOL!

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But I kind of like seeing my icon next to a whole bunch of random forum posts that stalled out

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