Possible lineup for the rest of this season?

In another thread, @1godzillafan posted this Den of Geek interview with Jonah and Emily, in which Jonah seems to confirm that Demon Squad is a Joel episode at the 18 minute mark:

Assuming that Jonah and Emily each get 5 episodes, I believe this is our lineup for the rest of the season:

Munchie (Jonah)
Doctor Mordrid (Emily)
Demon Squad (Joel)
Gamera vs Jiger (Jonah, confirmed)
The Batwoman (Emily)
The Million Eyes of Sumuru (Emily)
H.G. Wells’ The Shape of Things to Come (Emily)
The Mask 3D (Jonah, confirmed)
The Bubble (Joel)
The Christmas Dragon (Joel, Jonah & Emily)

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I thought I read that Emily had 4, Jonah 6, Joel 2? (and then of course, the Christmas gathering)

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If that’s the case, I’ll substitute in Jonah for Million Eyes of Sumuru.

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