Regarding Joel's Tormented Dangling Legs

wow. Dr. Forrester looked a bit jacked.


Can’t forget about Forrester’s leg in 314 Mighty Jack!


Oh, my lanta. This is turning into a cheesecake factory.


Puppets are heavy and he has to hold them over his head a lot, or he did back in the day.


Clearly those are prop legs. :laughing: Beez has bamboozled you all! :mechanical_leg: (is there a sarcasm/joke tag on these boards yet?)


You’re telling me you were kidding?!


:rofl: She is really great, though. I’d love to have seen the sheer creativity of some low budget legs.

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Well, there were Gypsy’s cool kickboxer’s legs. From Future War, I think.


And Servo’s not so cool kickboxing legs in the same scene.

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Speaking of Servo, I heard that he used to sprout legs during The Great Cheesy Movie Circus Tour, right?

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In the good-natured brawling segment from one of those Hercules movies, you also see some stunt legs.

That was Crow.

Crow always had legs.

And so did Joel, except nobody seems to want to acknowledge them in their costumes. It’s a gam tragedy!

Extra-special leg cameo here!


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There’s Wilt Chamberlain amounts of leg in that.

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That’s what brawling-based fitness can do for YOU!!

They aren’t dangling, but Crow’s legs also never seem to make an appearance in the fan-made zone:

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There was also the time he put his legs up for Giant Gila Monster, and the duct-tape fashion show in Teenagers From Outer Space. (The other fellas have trousered legs visible in that one.)

After I’ve groomed properly and laundered my stunt legs, I think we should stage another bout of good-natured brawling to see if it helps the pledge drive.

Or, y’know, we could threaten the donors with such a spectacle and then they’d have to double their pledges to make us not brawl.
