SPOILER DISCUSSION: Episode 1313, The Christmas Dragon. (PLEASE NOTE: This thread is NOT the Open Thread Discussion for tonight’s livestream)

So is “That’s what the sock is for” the dirtiest MST riff ever? Discuss!


I might of missed it but what was Fin’s last body count?


If you check the IMDB credits of the people who were in this film, most of them were also in other Christmas movies. It’s weird.


Depending on the context, “Mummers” may or may not be a Philly reference. They used the word several times in Final Fantasy XII, for example, and that most certainly wasn’t in reference to Philly (darn it).


There wasn’t a whole lot of Christmas either.


That said, I actually thought this was a pretty decent movie. The premise was a bit silly, but overall, it was well-made for a low budget fantasy. It looked a lot better than Deathstalker or Quest of the Delta Knights. At least it recognized (handwashing scene aside) that people in the middle ages were dirty.


I wonder if there was a particular reason that they didn’t have one of their magnificent over the end credits riff-a-mania session with Joel, Emily and Jonah? I agree it just seemed to end all too abruptly.


I think that honor may go to a riff in the new “Bicycle Driver” short, regarding what everyone gets to do to every bike in the shop on their birthday…


It was my sole disappointment in yet another fantastic episode, but I assume it was probably because the Mads expected them to be in there for the entirety of the credits and they used the extra time to get their escape plan off the ground before Kinga noticed.


They haven’t done much in the way of credit sequence riffing in this season overall. I kind of wish they’d do it more often.


The Christmas Dragon was partially funded through a Kickstarter where they raised $51,000. From the details on the page, it looks like it was already filmed and the money went to post-production. One commenter mentioned that they liked the movie but were hoping for more dragon, and they responded that they put in as many dragon scenes as they could afford.


This was one of those movies where the low budget was redeemed by the fact that it had a lot of heart and everybody clearly wanted to be there. The CGI wasn’t cutting edge but it wasn’t embarrassing either, and I think the restrained use of CGI was a good thing anyway. All of the acting was competent, the stunt work was good, and the one real choregraphed fight scene (Saerwen in her introductory scene) was well done… reminded me of Xena, except for the irritating slo-mo moments.

If I’d been a Kickstarter backer of this movie, I would have been happy with it.

The riffs were great, but hearing the show with a “laugh track” (even a live one) was weird and I think I prefer it without one.

I loved the “30 feet” running gag. My single favorite riff was probably “Shhh… be vewwy vewwy quiet. We don’t have a permit to film here.”


Wowwy wow wow! What a way to end a season! At this point it’s no surprise that it was an amazing episode, and this one was on fire.

There was a lot of heart in this silly movie, and I can see kids really enjoying it unriffed. Since it is a kids’ film that opened the door for the dark riffs, especially once the orphan gate was open. Jack Mad Martigan Sparrow gave them a lot to work off, too. And everyone’s fabulous hair!

Patton as Friar Nolte was hilarious, and it was nice to see him get to do another character after all this time. I loved the bit with GPC2 as Siri, but there were sooo many good riffs in this one. “He’s gonna be so rich when he sells those kids,” “Quick, let’s get it before it renders,” and especially “Just what this movie needs, more wasps” were probably my favorites. The line about Santa being a dracula was a great callback to the beginning of the season.

I think the biggest thing is the whole gang riffing, but what surprised me is how fluid it was. They all flowed together so well that sometimes I’d forget that they changed. The great escape was a fitting finale, but it raises the question of how Season 14 will handle it. I’m sure none of us are surprised that Waverley and Growler failed as henchmen, but Pearl helping them escape? We all knew she’d get a few hits in at the end, but that was perfect.

I also really liked it being played with the live audience. Hearing other people enjoying the same things I am really feels appropriate to go out on.


This same group of people made a series of fantasy movies called Mythica that star Melanie Stone (Saerwen in TCD) and… Kevin Sorbo, who isn’t my favorite person or actor, but at least he’s just a hired gun here.

I would kind of like to see them. They sound like they have that 1990s syndicated adventure series feel.


I distinctly remember when the forum was new, somebody mentioning they had backed both the original movie and the riffing of the movie and they weren’t sure how they felt.

Aaaaaaaah, I get to talk about this movie. This is frankly kind of a perfect MST3K movie in the sense that it’s a very watchable movie, but it’s also completely and utterly stupid. Add one part generic fantasy, sprinkle goblins, orc, elf, and KISS wannabe, and add one part Christmas special and you have a miracle on your hands. I am a bit sad that the elf of the movie conforms to the fantasy stereotype and not the Christmas one, that would have been funny to watch.

I distinctly remember cringing at the scene where the lead was explaining Christmas and all of the other festive nonsense to the rest of the orphans, if for no other reason than that it makes even less sense than it would in the modern day setting that most holiday specials take place in.

The opening scene is interesting and if the dragon had taken in the child then and there, that might be an interesting movie to watch. Also I’m pretty sure those eggs were rocks the filmmakers found that happened to be a believable size.

The fantasy portion of the movie is fairly competent, minus the CG on the dragon looking very out of place and the fact that you can tell that they kept reusing the same forest for basically the whole movie.

As for the riffing itself? It was good, though for some reason I remember it a lot less. SIMPLY HAVING A WONDERFUL CHRISTMASTIME!

Edit: you can tell in the last segment they positioned Jonah in a way that you can’t tell he’s a head taller than Emily.


Well that episode was a freaking blast, I want a Father Nolte prayer candle.


And what was Dr. Kabahl pretending to be so upset about? He’s from the future, he knew how this all would play out.

I suspect Pearl brought the SOL back to 1991 because she wants to intervene in history at the point where things started going wrong for the Family Forrester. This could mean that Trace and Frank might make an appearance next season… I guess I’m just addicted to burning myself through false hope.

During the Q&A somebody asked Joel if there were plans for any more visits by past cast members and he responded with an emphatic NO (except for Mary Jo, of course). It was hard to tell if he was being funny-but-serious or funny in a “that’s a secret, next question” kind of way.


I mean how are you doing an arc set in 1991 and not having those Mads present?


Here’s how I can foresee Season 14 going down.

The 1991 gimmick allows for Kinga and Max to be written out in case Day and Oswalt don’t return next season.

In 1991 Pearl kidnaps Dr. Erhardt to be her assistant, becoming paradox Mads.

Joel rebuilds Crow, GPC and Tom Servo again and their voices can change depending on the host. Emily’s robots are the same, Joel gets Jonah’s robots, Jonah rebuilds M. Waverly and Growler 2, who become his riffing robots.

Since Dr. Kahbal can time travel, he eventually finds the current crew and delivers Synthia and Mega Synthia to Pearl. He also gives Pearl the ability to “extract” cheesy movies from the future.

All this happens, while simultaneously there is still another satellite of love out in space with a 1991 era Joel and a Gizmonic Institute with Dr. Forrester, TV’s Frank and temp employee Mike.


That makes more sense. I thought Joel said he could only remember the words to “mine” (as in Joel’s), then they sang Mike’s.