Hey, what about if we shot this thing right into the Warp Core while running the engine at full? The results should be very interesting.
Data: ‘Takes a moment to consider how humanity works’
I find that ill-advised. But since you will do it anyway I will assist in keeping it as safe as… humanly possible.
I want to say I have seen all episodes of Star Trek. I only have (most of) one season of Prodigy left to go. Unlike that last season of Discovery, which is some of the worst Trek I have ever seen, Prodigy has had some of the best. Amazing for a kids’ show.
I still want to know what happened to the Klingons. As far as I could tell, once the show jumped to the 32nd century they disappeared. Romulans, yes, but nary a Klingon.
I find it somewhat amusing that Sigourney and Alan’s characters look reasonably close, despite likeness rights stuff, but Tim Allen’s character looks closer to “just some dude”.
Well it’s official, Galaxy Quest is now within Star Trek, making my previous assertion that it is, in fact, the best Trek movie all the more solid and correct.