A new show with Reno and guest-starring Tilly…both from “Discovery”, eh? Perhaps the two most excruciatingly annoying and obnoxious characters in all the history of Star Trek…I’ll PASS on that!
I managed to write a lot on Star Trek the last few days, from the Bell Riots, James Darren’s death, and the rather low-key Star Trek Day planned for the 8th
Star Trek: Prodigy writer and producer Aaron Waltke responded:
What is a deuterium-antimatter reaction regulated by a dilithium matrix — or in the case of Romulans, a quantum singularity; or quantum slipstream which utilizes benamite crystals, though whether it is a fuel source is ambiguous and the subject of much speculation…?
Although I would argue the more accurate question would be, “what is ‘the plot?’”