The Meaning Behind Your Screenname

I just thought it’s funny that when people read my name out loud, it’s like ‘ugh, god damnit, Russ’ gives me that ‘Aint I a stinker?’ Bugs Bunny vibe. Also I tend to say god damnit a lot.


I got my nick at the second ConventioCon. I was there with a bunch of my friends from the CompuServe MST forums. A lot of the forum folks had fun nicknames, but I hadn’t earned one yet. I was determined to do so before the weekend was out.

At one point we were in a candy store, killing time before a dinner reservation. On a lark, I bought two of those giant Pixy Stix. Seriously, there were like half a yard long.

Later that evening we were in CompuServe con suite (the AOL and Prodigy forums also had suites, provided by the con). We’d had a few drinks and were just generally fooling around. Somebody noticed that I had the Pixy Stix with me and dare me to down one of them in one go.

Being young and foolish and a little drunk, I proceeded to do just that. I immediately followed it with the second one. One of my compatriots said “well, there’s your nickname!” I modified the spelling and it stuck.


Well, it’s just the character from Goodfellas. “Get the papers, get the papers.”

Why? No idea, just first thing that came to mind for some reason. I know RT has referenced this bit at least once, so maybe was thinking of that.



Old nickname I picked up from Boy Scouts in middle school as I went to the National Jamboree in crutches. I think it started with as a ‘Newsies’ reference. Somehow stuck.


I build sets with my mind. I do battle with The Man Who Comes From The East.


The first part of my name is a name I found and took on about fifteen years ago to replace my birth name. Never legally changed it, as my original name does all the admin and has their names on documents, etc - so it’s like having dual identities!. The second part of the name derives from my working as a storyteller.


I have to admit that I pretty much never listen to radio any more and have completely switched to podcasts.


I wanted to be Cambot when I first joined AOL many many Moon Base 13s ago, but there were already thousands of Cambots with a bunch of numbers after their names, so I used my nickname and added “bot” to it and voila! :smiley:


I like having themed names. I’d actually be happy on the SOL. Old school b-movies tend to be safe for epileptics. I can watch a few before feeling sick. I’ve seen so many Corman movies that I’ve become immune. He is fond of having women being sexually victimized, so many I don’t watch more than once. I like finding public domain movies to watch. I’m convinced that people did not know how to function in the 50s. Sheesh, hospitals should have sent out user manuals back then. My mum is now interested in movies ripe for riffing. I finally got her into anime recently. So send me up with reincarnations of my riffing buddies, snacks and Scooby-Doo episodes to help me sleep.


From the best damn vehicle to ever show up onan episode :slight_smile: I’ve been using it since way back in the AOL fan group days


Mine is a mangling of a Latin word that means subtle. I picked it a few years back when I was feeling super salty about being so subtle I can basically turn invisible. It doesn’t even really fit the definition of the word (honestly the better descriptor is super introverted but I’ve never been good at words), but that’s how salty I was. It’s a super power, I tell ya. I could almost literally turn invisible. Even in a group. Even when that group is my friends. Salt salt salt. :roll_eyes: Anyway I’ve gotten over all the saltiness and gotten new friends. I still like the name so I kept it, and now it’s my name for most internet accounts and my gamer-tag on every platform I use. Yay!


My handle stands for “When You Say Wisconsin, You’ve Said It All,” which all good Badger fans know is what’s sung at the end of the Bud Song. I’ve been a long-time MSTie, but a longer-time Badger fan and alum twice over, and a Wisconsinite even longer still. Join us, won’t you?


Mine’s pretty simple: when I was in high school, I was the resident critic of our high school newspaper (The Ram Page…because our mascot was a Ram…ugh.) I initially started using the handle on local BBSes, then IRC, USENET and…well, the rest is history.


Usually go by Ry75Guy. RyGuy was my childhood nickname and to this day, a handful of people still call me Guy. I wanted something much more MST3k for here.


I caught someone saying this once behind my back. Hi! I’m James.


The first MST3K Kickstarter was my first Kickstarter and I wanted a fun name for the comments. I was also in a big hurry to get registered and pledge. My name is Frank, and I was trying to come up with some name related to the show and… I think I panicked.

Anyhow, I’m Frank, but I’m not TV’s Frank. So I went with that, and then carried it over to the Street Team, and then here in case any backers remembered me.

So… That’s it. I’m not TV’s Frank.


Because I love telling the heir to the potato chip fortune quaint stories about little fishies and then having Tommy Servo Tune sing about me…


Podcasts about old radio?


So it’s probably obvious to a lot of you (hint: “time of the apes”), but thought I’d also mention this is my inaugural screen name. I normally am extremely anti social media and comments sections, but this was too good to pass up.


Just something I picked up ages ago from an episode of Now Nordine that had the line ‘absinthe makes the heart grow fonder’. As with every episode it was Ken Nordine having a conversation with alter ego Ken Nordine about whatever they felt like talking about but there always a color to be discussed. ‘Mauve is a character. As colorful as characters can be. But in a quiet quiet way.’