Those are ... pretty much the same movie.

You know that thing where you watch a new-to-you B-movie and think “Wait … isn’t this pretty much just [insert other B-movie title here] with a different name?” It might be a remake of some sort, like Cat Women of the Moon —> Missile to the Moon, or maybe something from the Robert L. Lippert method of shooting half a dozen movies at the same time with the same sets & actors, or maybe it’s just a combination of laziness and plagiarism.

The one that comes to mind right off the bat for me are two titles done by RiffTrax: Grizzly and Day of the Animals. Except for the fact that one has Leslie Nielsen feasting on the scenery and one doesn’t, I can’t keep them straight … I’m pretty sure each was made from the other’s 2nd unit footage.

Do you have any favorite examples of this?

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Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet and Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women were both made with footage from Planeta Bur, making them pretty similar movies overall, but one centers around the women of Venus (one of whom was played by Mamie Van Doren).

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I’ve seen one, but not the other—thanks for the info!

That brings up another factor: stock footage. So many things of these movies pull from the same stock footage library that they start to blur together at times.

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There was a movie starring Fred Williamson (of Warrior of the Lost World) called Boss Nxggxr, which is essentially Blazing Saddles played straight.

I cannot keep the three MST3K biker movies straight. It doesn’t help that two of them star Ross Hagen.

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