Viking Women and the Sea Serpent Captions

Did anyone else notice that the captions provided for this episode are from another movie?


Was it a better movie?


Now I’m raven haired and bitter.


Oh yeah, look at that:


But most fortunately for @ivan and team, if we look further down that file…


So what we have here is the Viking Women captions are in the same file, but they come AFTER Stranded in Space. So just grab the file, cut it to start with caption #2332, renumber from 1 starting there, and you’re good.


Actually some of the caption riffs were timed right to the action on the screen!


Just confirming this is still an issue. On Roku, it shows just the wrong captions but on Android app it shows both sets at same time.


Stranded in Space


The closed cptions for Viking Women & The Sea Serpent are off by ~4 seconds for the whole movie.

The caption shows up ~4 seconds before the matching line is spoken. This makes it VERY difficult to follow the movie if you find yourself in the population of people like me who actually need the captions. :nerd_face:

There was no good way to tag an issue like this using the Google Caption Issue Form, so I’m putting a ticket here.


The whole movie is off.


Hmmm… it looks like it kind of drags… like it’s pretty much right on towards the beginning, but by the end there’s a great delay. Skipping around quickly I see a “oh yeah, it’s a little worse here… little more worse…” so I think the captions got timestamped on a copy that ran at a slightly different speed.

There could be a quickish solution, which is to load all the captions with their timestamps in, then apply a formula, like “remove 1 second for every half hour” (or whatever it would turn out to be… should be able to just time the beginning and ending gaps to figure it out) and rewrite all the timestamps accordingly.

Sounds like something I’m going to do for this week’s invention exchange, because it seems like a fun problem.

(Note to self: figure out what actual “fun” is someday.)

Edited to add: looks like the drag is 6 seconds over the duration.

Edited edited to add: looks more like 5 seconds. It’s probably 5 and change, but the app I built is based on seconds, so tough. But I ran the thing, made a new file, and it syncs up. So yeah, cool. App is here:

In this case you’d choose the Viking Women captions file, set the start offset to 0 (because it’s fine at the beginning) and the end offset to 5, clicky clicky the button, and you get a new captions file.

What do you think, sirs?


Should also explicitly tag @ivan because the initial report has been fixed - the current captions are of just one movie. But the new issue is that the timestamping seems to be based on a version of the video file that is 5 seconds shorter than what streams.

OOOH should probably see if maybe that difference is due to perhaps different versions… like the HD version vs streaming potato… like the captions may be perfectly correct for one of them. Anyway, things to do.


Excellent call, @Chris_Combs.

Except I’m streaming to my Roku TV and have no such control over my captions!

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Oh I know. This app is more for Ivan so he doesn’t have to restamp the files by hand. If someone happens to be be managing their own captions, this is a good temporary fix, but that’s not the real target audience. Hopefully this can be used to correct this problem quickly whenever it is found (I can’t imagine it happened only once).

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I just tried to download the episode at different resolutions to check if they have different run lengths. Guess what? I don’t own it, so I can’t help here except to say that the streaming length of the movie is 1:37:23.

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Yeah, my hope is that a problem that affects the whole film is easier to fix than a bunch of little fixes.

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Okay: I believe this has finally been fixed, and the captions load in sync and for the correct movie. If anyone still experiences issues with the captions for this episode, please re-open this thread.