That’s how bats leave reviews. They can’t sign up for Yelp, after all.
I’ve been thinking about buying these for a long time and finally ordered them. Supporting Simone Giertz and getting some cool build dice is making me smile.
I would like some vehicle trash that makes music, please.
Off the top of my head: some metal strips out of old wiper blades and an old shoe box as a resonator, should be able to make something that makes music from those…
“Good” music was not specified, so yeah…
Yes I do save my old wiper blades just because those metal strips are super useful.
It’s no washtub bass.
Saw another huge rainbow all the way across the sky when I was driving in to work this evening. Always a delightful sight.
The deck and fences, except the one between us and the neighbors since that’s their’s, have been power washed and stained!
I hate when things get stained right after I wash them.
by ‘things’ you mean ‘underwear’.
A thunderstorm has begun! Out come the candles, tea, string lights, cozy blankets, and good book.
Wow how long do your thunderstorms last? Around here they might go for fifteen minutes. Twenty if we’re lucky.
Not very long. This one was only maybe 20 minutes. Thankfully, I had all my cozy stuff within arm’s reach, and it only takes like 5 minutes to make tea. I do wish we’d have a good storm that lasted all day, and I wish it would knock all the humidity out of the air while it’s at it.
Trekking to the Maine coast at the end of the week, where the humidity should be much lower, which I would find pleasing.
You know how when a music artist is on tour, YouTube will show the details of whatever their nearest concert is below their music?
As I’m listening to my current favorite artist’s new album, I see the little “Nearest event” thing, and it looks so familiar, and Oh! That’s because I’m going to that one! I’m actually going to go see my favorite artist in concert on his album tour! At the venue listed right there!
I’ve seen videos of this guy in concert, and the way he plays with and controls the crowd looks magical. YouTube is now giving me a fun little reminder of something I’m very excited for with every song I click on.
Which artist, if you don’t mind sharing? Great-Auntie Aquarius likes to know what the young people are into these days.
The current favorite of mine and some people I know is Porter Robinson. His most recent album (or two) are pop-EDM ish, and it’s FANTASTIC! Songs about relatable coming-of-age stuff like nostalgia and struggling to find joy in life, but deciding it’s worth it in the end. Songs that make you dance, with lyrics that make you cry.
Not Great Uncle Phantom! He likes to grumble about kids these days and their boomy boxes and slap bracelets.
Sounds awesome and I’ll check him out, TYSM. Hope the concert is a blast!