What's YOUR problem? A thread for griping.

eh, second one. more replies

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It’s 95º and rising outside and our A/C just started blowing warm air.


Can you hear the compressor running?


Not sure at the moment—they’re sending a tech and asked me to shut it off in case it has frozen up. Since then the house has leveled off at 78º, which is totally workable.


When I was a child, I had a fever. My hands felt just like two balloons.

Working outside at a really fast pace, and eternal scorn for one particular DSP delivery company who is always late and taking up space in my reserve section for tardy drivers, in the 100° heat (not that bad…I hydrate, but I’m moving faster than most and doing more things than I can count), I think I sometimes have said some unintentionally odd things over the megaphone.

But nothing actionable! Despite my coworkers trying to tempt me to say some of the worst rhymes ever. “Stick to our goals, and hydrate those holes!” No, Chuck. I’m not saying that on the mega!

For example, some F-15s out of nearby Air Nat’l Guard were training, and when I was just about to release the vans, pending an all-clear from my people watching the lanes, I just jibed, “Whoo-hee! It is looking like just about time for a topless beach volleyball game! Just like Top Gun!”

Which was not clever, although IMHO sort of funny BS-ing while just waiting on a few stragglers to get in their vans. That company’s managers thought it was funny, but it was too much. All day, just pushing that envelope!

Delirium. Won’t you?

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It is 85 F in my bedroom. It was over 70 F before 9 a.m. this morning. It’s hot. I hate having no air conditioning. It really sucks. If we could get a good thunderstorm to move through, that would drop our temps quickly, but there’s only about a 20% chance of that happening. I really hate the heat.


What about the lambs?

Can you still hear the screaming of the lambs?


Only in the spring.


“Mmmm. Spring lamb…”
–Homer Simpson as Clarice Starling in the upcoming reboot “Springfield of the Lambs”


Follow-up: It’s working now.

What was wrong with it? Dude couldn’t find anything. Cycled it a few times, it started working again.

Hate it when that happens.


Can you get a portable AC just for your room?


I have a little A/C fan, but it’s too small to do anything. However, I’m moving in two days, and my apartment has a couple of A/C units and ceiling fans in every room. Can’t wait. :slight_smile:


Dammit. I have to bleed the butane Zippo insert and refill it with premium “highly refined” butane.

I, thou humble servant, should not be allowed to exist! It is a crying disgrace!

But, yes, I am slightly annoyed when my instruments need attending to.

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I got a swamp cooler a few years ago for the garage and it’s been quite nice. (And we routinely break 100 ℉ here. But it’s also a desert so any moisture added to the air gets sucked up >slurp<.)


Swamp coolers only work in places with low humidity. Otherwise they just make it more humid and uncomfortable.


I am waiting to get blood work done. Been waiting for over 40 minutes. Beginning to think this is actually the Chinese restaurant from Seinfeld.


My wife was going to give blood today. They took her blood pressure. The bottom number is supposed to be under 100 for you to be able to give blood. It was at 103 for her. I did tell her to bring it up to her doctor next time she sees her, but just 3 over has to be annoying.


I gave blood for a long time before they changed the rules (I got excluded because I lived on an Army base in Germany in the 80’s). Then my husband got excluded for other even dumber reasons. I now take any “we desperately need blood or people will die!” talk with a huge grain of salt, because if that’s true it seems like they’re WAY too picky about who can donate. What, I’m suddenly gonna give someone mad cow disease literally thirty years after I left Europe?

Did they have your wife do some long breathing and then measure again? If you’re really close sometimes they’ll try to help you get over a tiny gap.

They finally changed the mad cow rule and I was able to donate a couple of weeks ago for the first time in many years. The oatmeal cookie was only so-so, next time I’m going for the chocolate chip.


I went to give blood a couple years ago and full-on passed out after a few minutes for long enough for them to unhook me from everything. :grimacing: I guess my body determined I need my blood more than somebody else does. I don’t dare go again*. I’m thankfully fine with standard blood work.

*My gripe is that I wish I could because I feel a bit guilty about it.


Ditto. The only time I ever gave blood, I was sitting there sipping my orange juice and eating my cookie when things went black.