World Domination Schemes

The Take Over The World Plot you most enjoyed in an experiment. Dr. Vornoff, Kobras, The Evil Professor, Zor, any Monster fighting Gamera or Godzilla, the Gargons? The annihilation you digged most.

Universe control works too. Any despot, tyrant, or dictator in the making works. Brack of This Island Earth (1955) strikes me. Largely due to “It’s the Brack Show!!!” and his forehead and antagonistic manner that kept him shrouded in mystery making him interesting.


That’s gotta be the Take Over The World Plot (WOTWP) from It Conquered the World. It didn’t even conquer its own cave!


Totally. I had to look up to be sure of the title, but that was my first thought.

Little bat things messing with Lee Van Cleef: that’s the way to do it. Have the expendables do the hard work of dodging tennis rackets and such, and shroud one’s plans in a sweet message of unified harmony.

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Why I’m glad you asked! The world domination scheme from The Final Sacrifice. On a day soon in an hour of darkness, our god will accept a human sacrifice( not Rowsdower of course). Millions of lost souls will rise from their graves and side with me! I mean, they’ll side with Satoris…:relaxed:

Oops, almost forgot…I SHALL RULE THE WORLD!


I feel like more than one movie had the same ill-considered plot of room temperature ice clogging up the oceans. Castle of Fu Manchu and I think Mighty Jack?

Either way you slice it freezing the whole ocean would destroy the world for everybody. But I guess that’s why they’re called mad scientists…


Indeed. All descended from Colin Clive.


Let’s not forget Dr. Zorka’s plan to take over the world in The Phantom Creeps:

Step 1: Build a giant ugly robot.
Step 2: Build exploding spiders.
Step 3: Fake your death.
Step 4: Turn invisible.
Step 5: ?


Robot Monster! Ro-Man succeeded in conquering the entire world except for five people a quick jaunt from his cave.


Joel Hodgson and his subtle, long-in-progress plan to control the world through riffing cheesy movies and steadily building a rabidly loyal fan-base to do his bidding. The Mads are just a front for Joel! :crazy_face:


Right?! I guess those last 5 people were his wah-fer thin mint after gorging himself on the meal of all other humans.


Dr. Kurt Leopold in Blood Waters of Dr. Z being convinced that his army of mutant fish would help him rule the universe. Since he’s based in Florida, perhaps Cape Canaveral was going to be an early target.


Unanswered questions linger regarding his last victim.

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Lamas in Secret Agent Super Dragon plans to conquer the world by using a drug that makes people act like they’re at “a swinging 60’s-style party.” I think this outranks Thanatos’ nuclear rugs from Kid Brother, Dr. Steffanic’s spore gun in H.A.R.M., and Danger!! Death Ray’s . . . uh, death ray . . . as being the silliest global domination plot from the MST3K spy movies. And therefore best.

Respect to Dr. Kobras for making the most out of a single, stationary hypnotizing Aztec mask though.

And to Clonos, both for just straight up cloning people to rule the world, and for winning a lawsuit against Michael Bay for plagiarism. In fact, I think Clonos has the only world domination plan that ends up succeeding, in both respects.

Shurka wins points by trying to conquer the known world with just magic and a crabby hat, but loses more points by hypnotizing a child into marrying him.

But I think ultimately, the best all-around plan belongs to Cave Dwellers’ Zor. Getting a nuclear weapo - I mean, “geometric nucleus” - in a time before guns were invented (well, outside of China) would definitely give the ruler of pre-medieval-ish Earth an edge.


Since all techno sci-fi of that era looks so similar I like to think they take place in a shared universe. So across the bay from Clonus, their main competitor Delos Corporation is increasing shareholder value by disrupting the replacing world leaders paradigm, holding TED Talks about how waterproof fake leaders are overrated, and fielding angry customer calls about their robots’ faces constantly falling off.


Perhaps he was a mere cog in a Pinky and the Brain scheme.


Tempt the children of the world to be evil! Pitch gets three boys right off the bat, then runs into a brick wall with Lupita and loses all his momentum. After that he’s so distracted with harassing Santa that the whole plan grinds to a halt. I guess technically Pitch was 75% successful… For the 4 kids he tempted.


Godzilla vs Megalon (1973). The underwater world of Seatopia sicing Megalon on the surface of the Earth in retaliation for Nuclear Testing sounded fresh to me. It fell into Godzilla formula however their gusto and sand in executing won me over.

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Honestly this is one of those “actually the villains are the good guys here” movies.

Seatopians: please stop destroying the whole planet

Surface dwellers: LOL f*ck you we have Godzilla on speed dial


The zeal and way the leader of Seatopia is acted hits villainous notes. His henchmen are identically unsympathetic. The movie portrays these supposed victims as Nazi-esque in their behavior so any heroism flies away the moment they talk.

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I thought it was funny they picked a super hairy (yet balding) white guy as the leader and then put him in an a slinky little off the shoulder number. Thanks for the shoulder rug, movie