506. Eegah (1962)

You need a You Tube Channel.


Join us next week on potroast for a very special episode starring Scott baio


Ooh, this one is really easy for Turkey Volume Guessing Man!


The giblets are free!!!

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Only if I can find a fast-talking young hottie in sexy low-cut shirts to portray me (in exchange for half our take). Otherwise, it hardly seems worth the effort. :wink:


Stop it now I’m hungry for turkey… And that young hottie idea is very intriguing…


I’m picturing a young Miles O’Keefe or Reb Brown.

I would make a point of keeping the viewership guessing about everything.


Turkey Roll?


Just never get between Son Of TV’s Frank and a whole buttery turkey.

It will not end well. :grimacing:


Well now hold on, there, pardner; I think this might be a little more complex than it looks. Clearly at least one turkey can fit… but I’m pretty sure that we could get several more in there with a little ingenuity!


I actually first saw this unriffed on an Elvira-type show in 2005 in Calif. I recorded it and used some of the footage in a comedy video I made. Then I saw the MST version and fell in love with the jokes! Love this experiment!


Ever see the Live Show Version? Jonah and the Bots re-refiffed fully with new jokes. Except for one.


:laughing: Kiel wished he had a body like the cover! :laughing:

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One of my Top 5 Experiments. It’s so hilarious, so on target, and the skits are perfect. The sum total is hysterical. Once it starts on the titles, you never stop laughing. The 90s Joke References are a blueprint of how it’s done. It’s my second favorite episode behind only Manos (1966).


No…and I usually dont enjoy the re-riff versions. Even the few re-riffs Rifftrax has done havent been as good or funny as the MST versions. But thats just me.

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This was MST style including skits and the entire format onstage. The crowd I saw it with including my Canadian friend who was a newbie LOVED IT!!! I really wish a recording of that live performance existed somewhere. I’m a stickler too and I was in. GREAT STUFF. The Creed Riff? LMAO!!!

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No kidding!


I really wish a recording of the live shows existed too. My wife and I weren’t able to make any of them and I know we weren’t alone in that. They left some money on the table not putting those out on video, that’s for sure. MSTies everywhere would’ve bought those.

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The dirty secret is to pay for those rights would be no different than an episode. The cost of clearing those would be a large chunk of what we crowdfund seasons for. As such it’s as unreachable now as fundraising for a new season.

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There were seven live shows post Return. 7 or so shows in total. To buy showing rights to those that last we’re talking a good chunk of change beyond what Joel probably has on hand.