911. Devil Fish (1984)

I believe that there’s a scene cut that shows her blackmailing them. There’s some indication of blackmail as well when the guy comes to kill her. She says something about time being up. So her leaving town was probably so she could take the money and get out.


So ample the melodrama they had to peel it back for airing. That and the normal editing.


Yeah there was also that Mickey Dolenz looking fellow who they kept making fun of his face and saying how ugly he was. Or that is face was powering that boat they were riding.

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This guy?

No I was talking about the bad guy with the curly hair that was doing all the murders I’ll see if I can find a picture of him

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This chap then. Sorry they both looked like Mickey Dolenz to me.

Yeah that’s him I think the actor’s name is Paul Branco, he reminds me a little of Mickey Dolenz from the monkeys.


One of the best Season 9 episodes by far. A couple of the film’s many, many flaws I always obsess over.

  1. The cowardly Coast Guard guy jumping in the water screaming bloody murder! “It’s going to be cold!”
  2. Probably the worst use of a defibrillator in any type of film. The Doctor doesn’t yell “Clear” once while using it on the Rob Reiner look alike. Also doesn’t rub the two parts together either. “I had this set to kill patient”.


This movie brought to you by Blue.
It’s what you’re feeling right now.


Let alone the one survivors’s questionable breathing ADR, that sounds like…well…


Isn’t that in Horror at Party Beach?

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I think it’s implied that they worked together before at some point and that Bob was familiar with similar extremely dangerous or carelessly-done projects that West might’ve have originated in order to quickly make a name for himself. Not to mention that presumably West thinks sleeping with the boss’ wife is a sound professional move… (Not how I’d play it, but…)

Then again, we’re taking the word of a hopeless drunk here, so… :thinking:

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Yeah, and a film made by Italians. As we’ve seen on MST3K, Italian filmmakers are either on the level, or want to strangle someone because of what they said.


I think we can just assume the Devil Fish is just a mentally-messed-up ball of emotional rage, like The Indominus Rex in Jurassic World.

Nothing really makes sense about it, and the filmmakers never expected anyone to really question it, let alone how it could be classified as “a shark” when it really doesn’t resemble a shark at all.


Huh? :confused:

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