Come Write With Me (In January)

Greetings, Parasocialists (I’m pretty sure I didn’t get that into last season, so imagine the Forrester of your choice saying it)

Due primarily to various misfortunes and new personal limitations (some physical, some financial), I will be offering writing classes in January. I figured I’d make a post here about it because I get the impression that there are some people here that want to write more or start writing period and what better time than the New Year.

The other reason I’m posting about it is I’m going to try something different this session. I’m going to take a page out of the Book of Kickstarter.

Typically, my classes are $200. But I want to do some “rewards” this time around. For example, for every additional $50 a person pays, they get a two hour long one on one session with me in addition to the class proper. So, you pay $250 instead of $200, that’s a one on one. You pay $300 that’s two sessions. And these sessions won’t expire and they don’t have to be whatever someone is working on in class. You can use it to talk about something else you want to work on, I can give notes on something you’ve already written and want a professional opinion on. Whatever you want to do with it.

But I don’t necessarily want to just offer that. So I want to know what manner of “bonus content” (or “rewards” whatever you want to call it) you’d like from a writing teacher. If any, maybe the one on ones are enough, I don’t know, so I’m asking.

I’m not going to really get deeply into the details of the classes until next month but I’ll say this much: There’ll be one on writing a pilot, one on creating and writing strong characters, one on writing a television spec, and probably a new one on writing a spec screenplay, though I’m still thinking about what shape that would take.

Bit answers will be tolerated but this is a real thing I’m doing so genuine answers are appreciated.


This sounds really excellent. I wish I wasn’t starting '24 so deep in the hole already. (Damn dental and home repair bills.)


This isn’t the sort of writing I do, but it sounds incredibly cool!

The only sort of bonus items I can think of would be things like brainstorming/outlining help, or editing help. I’m not sure if those will be things covered in the general classes or not. (and I know editing is not everyone’s favorite thing)

Is there any software involved with your classes? Maybe offer a discount on the software (if that’s something you can do) for support at certain levels?


Just saw this, this is awesome… dealing with family stuff, I’ll try to think of a good reply by tomorrow.


I’m not sure I could add anything that’s not already been said, editing, brainstorming, self-directed projects. Maybe facilitate other resources a writer might need?

Cover art isn’t always easy to come by; so artist/ photographer resources would help.

I had to kind of struggle through setting up to actually write things people could/ would read online, so…publishing help. Walking a class through setting up an online publishing presence. Saving and downloading files in different formats, PDF, epub, etc.

Formatting help for different types of scripts, screenplays, and manuscripts. What would people who pay for scripts be looking for in terms of format and layout?

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I have decided to put off job-hunting again until the baby (I’m due at the end of March) is at least six months old. I’ve been meaning to write more, but in true ADHD fashion, I can’t seem to do much of anything unless I give myself some form of structure. I figure the first two months of the year will be great for this (at least when I’m not at the doctor’s office). I am definitely interested.


It does sound interesting, but my schedule might not be in alignment with yours. Have you any ideas about dates and times?


I’d be up for feedback on my stuff since I’m hardly satisfied with how they turn out and struggle to pretend otherwise (trust me).

Still need to see a schedule though as who knows what kind of wrench life will throw at me.


*pokes in with curiosity*


Under other circumstances I’d be interested in this, but my paying job’s going to be taking up all my mental space for the next few months. The sessions sound like a good idea, though. I know a few people who’ve paid for those at various events and got a lot out of it.


I’d be interested in kearning how to turn my existing ideas or completed projects from other fields (tabletop roleplang games) into television/movie scripts.
Forgive me for not knowing you by your handle. I not on here frequently. Um… Who are you again?:grin:


He’s one of the writers for Season 13.


That’s right, and anyone who takes the class and doesn’t like it, I am fine with you telling everyone that I, Tim Ryder, was not a good teacher.


I really wish I could afford this because it sounds like a lot of fun. I hope it works out for you because I know you’ve had difficulties recently and the strike didn’t help. So all I can say is good luck!


I’m holding off for the “rewards” aspect of this for now. But you’re still getting my 20 years knowledge and experience, so still a pretty good deal. Anyway, here’s the whole spiel I’m cutting and pasting everywhere, including my newsletter so sorry if you’re subscribed to that too.

I’m going to be teaching some classes and workshops on Zoom in January. And February. And however long I need to until I find work. Or people stop taking them. And away we goooo…

WRITE THE PILOT (starts Saturday 1/20 3 - 5p EST 10 wks)

In this class, you’ll write your own television pilot. For the first few weeks, we’ll discuss and do exercises to help with idea generation, writing outlines, creating characters. We’ll read and discuss television scripts. Then, the second half of the class is writing. We’ll discuss the pilots as they go and when drafts are completed, everyone will have the option to do a table read of their scripts with performers you pick out or I can call in some favors. $200

WRITE THE SPEC (starts Wednesday 1/24 7-9p EST 10 wks)

Write The Spec is similar to the above class, but different. In Write The Pilot, students are honing their own voice. In Write The Spec, students learn to adapt their voice to an existing show, with an existing tone and sensibility.

Here, everyone will write a spec script for a currently running television show of their choice. We’ll watch episodes of everyone’s chosen shows and talk about the characters and the way the show tells its stories and, simply put, what makes the shows work. As with the other class, there will be the option to table read these scripts. $200

WRITING DIALOGUE WORKSHOP (starting Sunday 1/27 3-5p EST 6 wks)

I get requests to do something on writing dialogue, so here we are. This one is for scripts, sketches, novels, anything you can think of with writing dialogue. We’ll spend class time watching and discussing scenes, perhaps some book passages as well, that highlight dialogue good and possibly bad and discuss what makes them good or bad. Each week, everyone will write a scene and get feedback on said scenes. $125

WRITING CHARACTERS WORKSHOP (starting Thursday 2/1 7-9p EST 6 wks)

This one is all about character. Each student will develop a character through biographies, writing scenes involving the character, and other exercises. The first three weeks will be devoted to conversation about Character and the aforementioned development/scene writing. The second three weeks will be devoted to the workshop’s project. A 15 to 20 page short script with the character you created as the protagonist. $125

Questions, DM me here or email dcolemanclasses at gmail dot com. I mean, you can ask in the thread too but if you only want a response from this peanut and not the whole gallery, you can DM or email.

I also do payment plans so if you’re having some financial misadventures(as I believe we all are), just let me know. We can work it out.

Finally, no hard sell here, just transparency, the class size for these will be eight people (it gets a little rowdy after that).


This is really great, thanks for doing this.

I hope I can come up with the $ before they fill up…

I have to wait until the final bill for some major car repairs comes in next week-ish.


Just sent you an email! Poke me if you got it or not.


I’m going to bump this with a new post now that it’s January.