Episodes 522-602: Share your screenshots and favorite riffs!

Who else gets Invasion USA and Rocket Attack USA mixed up? Just me?

Also I know the rights to Girls Town have expired :sob: but wow it’s an underappreciated favorite of mine.

As a refresher:

You can submit one to three screenshots in comments on each post. Please keep your images at minimum 800px x 600px and 72 dpi. File type does not matter. YES, screenshots of host segments are welcome too!

If you’d ALSO like to throw in a favorite riff, choose one that’s relatively short. Remember to include the timestamp of where it happens in the episode. Ideally the riff should make sense when used in context with the screenshot(s) you’ve chosen. Riffs are optional, though, and if you’d rather just share screenshots, that is fine too.

All of this info will be collected and may be used in the Gizmoplex library! Your contributions are greatly appreciated, even if you can’t participate on every post. There’s zero pressure to do EVERY episode. Whatever you can do will help.

522 Teen-Age Crime Wave
523 Village Of The Giants
524 12 to the Moon
601 Girls Town
602 Invasion U.S.A.


522 Teen-Age Crime Wave

Crow at 1:25:05 - “Go ahead, let it out. Have a teenage cry wave.”

523 Village of the Giants

Crow at 51:00 - “Their giant hinders will kill us!”


524 12 to the Moon

Servo at 19:48 - “Yes, I’m Captain Cliff Beefpile.”

Crow at 23:00 - “I’m gonna set this to Central Stud Time 'cause I’m Sledge Riprock.”

Mike at 23:46 - “Bronc Drywall!”

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601 Girls Town

Mike at 27:02 - “You’ll have to check those at the desk.”

602 Invasion USA

Mike, Crow and Servo at 26:18 - “Norm!”


12 to the Moon:

“You can want me now.” (Mike, 34:00)

“Uh, that’s the meat locker, sir…” (Crow, 41:40)

“Yeah, I’m pure beef.” (Mike, 01:09:10)


522 - Teen-Age Crime Wave


(image/riff taken approximately at 8:30)

Servo: “Boy, oh boy, good thing I brought my life savings with me!”


(image/riff taken approximately at 15:13)

Mike: “It’s the floppy arm of the law!”


(image/riff taken approximately at 24:30)

Mike: “Come on in, I was just not talking with my wife.”

523 - Village of the Giants


(image/riff taken approximately at 26:20)

Mike: “Look at him, little kid, plotting against us with Willow…”


(image/riff taken approximately at 52:53)

Servo: “Susan, I think we should see other people!”


(image/riff taken approximately at 1:18:40)

Mike: “Attack of the 50-foot ABBA!”


Girls Town is a fantastic episode, and the only thing that could have made it better is if Dick Contino had more screentime, like with Daddy-O.

524 - 12 to the Moon


(image/riff taken approximately at 23:55)

Servo: “Stump Hugelarge at the controls!”


(image/riff taken approximately at 38:58)

Crow: “You won’t believe where I’m calling you from!”


(image/riff taken approximately at 45:17)

Mike: “TV repairmen ON THE MOON!”

601 - Girls Town


(image/riff taken approximately at 12:08)

Servo: “Dick Contino’s World of Posture!”


(image/riff taken approximately at 24:05)

Servo: “Hmmm… where should I be looking right now?”


(image/riff taken approximately at 53:01)

Crow: “OH, WOW! Look how cheap frankfurters were!”


602 - Invasion U.S.A.


(image/riff taken approximately at 18:08)

Crow: “He’s a chainsaw sculpture!”


(image/riff taken approximately at 22:10)

Servo: “Well, your girlfriend and I gotta go.”


(image/riff taken approximately at 39:14)

Servo: “World War III separates the serious drinkers from the amateurs.”


-=Now In Box-O-Vision=-

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Who else gets Invasion USA and Rocket Attack USA mixed up? Just me?

No, not at all. Both B&W from the same decade. Both are the same flavor of weak propaganda full of cardboard cutouts not worth caring about. Both have smarmy, repulsive “heroes” in colorless and unbelievable “love affairs.” I’m surprised that more people don’t get them mixed up.

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Watching VOTG, and man, there’s a lot of funny quips in this one. We already have a lot of them from that experiment, but what the heck, here are a few more…

7:13 - “Oh no, she’s tonguing the universe” - Servo

26:42 - one of their darkest reference riffs - “Back, and to the left” - Crow

13:25 - I didn’t spot a pic of Kirk… Mike’s riff “Tommy’s not too hard to entertain”

38:13 - “Mother?” - Servo


Adding some more

12 To The Moon

14:30 - “Look, dead raccoon of the future” - Mike

44:11 - Nuveena

49:39 - The discovery of Me-ite!

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Girls Town

1:09:30 - Ave Maria

1:17:16 - sisters, accompanied to Tom’s hilarious “and then he died” running bit

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But I don’t own a large diesel-powered semi? Oh, wait…

Thanks, that’ll help break them up. I actually have the next round (for early season 9) ready to go once the thread is posted. Just killing time until then, and posting in threads I skipped.

Teen-Age Crime Wave

8:23 - Doughy guy

1:29:22 - and Doughy Man (butter does his bidding!)

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Invasion USA

26:23 (man do I hate this guy and what he forced on these people. I would have sued his butt)


Stinger - “Extra! Extra!”

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