Mastodon advice?

I’m on several and I’ve found at least one of us here on one over theres, got it?

You can find me with the same name on Twitter, Mastodon and Counter.

Some places I’m active, others I’m still figuring out how to punch out of the metaphorical paper bag.

*edit I deleted my account from Hive after reading about serious security issues.

⚠️ Warning: do not use Hive Social 👉🐝👈 - zerforschung

Follow up: Hive turns off servers

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I ended up signing up with Vivaldi Social. The particular instance is hosted in Iceland, it’s commercially backed so I know it won’t be going under anytime soon, and sign ups aren’t restricted. I like their stance on data privacy/security.

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Wait and See isn’t cutting it?

Sadly, for the most part, I’m finding bots that repost from Twitter, but there’s no way to interact at all.

That goes for personalities, drivers, media, etc.

I may just throw a dart and see where it lands.

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Some possible leads here?

I searched through .art only because it’s my main instance.

You can try an instance out, but there’s no obligation to stay on it forever if something better comes along later on.


So I’m getting into Mastodon now and there’s some fairly regular MST3K posting. I’ll follow any of you if you tell me your handle. Mine is the same as my handle here.


In the interest of clarity, Mastodon handles include their home server. I found you on probably the biggest server,

Mine is in my profile here, but so far I’ve been almost completely silent. (Maybe just one “boost” half a year ago.) I should probably work on changing that.


That’s correct, I’m on Sorry, still a novice at this stuff.


Wishing you luck. Alas, we can’t be followers because my instances .art and both have .social mass-blocked ("defederated’) because of its very poor moderation.

But on the plus side, you can still read my MST3K stuff under that hashtag if you’re logged out. (Also, you won’t have to see my 300-per-week cranky Leftist political posts.)


It’s hard to describe my Mastodon presence without getting political but let’s just call it lefty politics with a side of, er, skepticism about law enforcement… plus some dog pics. If that floats your boat I’m
Just like my Twitter presence though, it’s a lot more boosts than original content, so you may not get much out of it :slight_smile:


[starts looking through]

Spoutible is my favorite.

By the way, if you’re wandering into the Fediverse (of which Mastodon is a part), you may hear rumblings about Facebook reaching out to get their claws into us. But you may not understand why some people (including me) are hostile towards this idea. In that spirit, may I present…

My main instance, .art, has already announced that it will lock out FB. And I couldn’t be more pleased. I hate FB. I’ve always hated it, and I always will.



Always have hated FB and have no intentions of ever doing any business with them.

So, no instagram… Was just about to buy an Oculus device when they acquired that…

Now, it seems like half the twitter-based cosplayers, motorsports tweeps, and weather/science tweeps are going to the new Meta Threads app.


I’m not sure where I sit on the FB/Meta hopping into the Fediverse though? Probably cautious would be the best word?


I think we need to collectively gather Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Apple, Uber, etc. in a classroom, slide our glasses down our nose, and explain how disappointed we are with them.

Maybe send them each home with a note for their parents. “Poor decision making skills, doesn’t play well with others, incomplete assignments, bullies other students …”


I take it you were going to suggest dumping them in the ocean, but then you remembered that it’s likely still digesting that clown-sub.

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I’m gonna make a new post in this THREAD. Anybody read the news lately?

ron burgundy GIF

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Best hurry, before Japan starts releasing all water used to cool the Fukushima Daiichi reactors after the tsunami and meltdowns. Last thing we need is for them to be irradiated by tritium and merge into some monstrous conglomeration.

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Someone I follow on Mastodon ponders the idea of starting to use the term “social media” only as a pejorative, for services such as Twitter, “Threads”, and Facebook, where “your” timeline feed is overrun with “Brand Posts”, “Sponsored Posts”, algorithmically-chosen random person/celebrity posts, and of course opinions/edicts by each service’s billionaire owner(s). It reportedly was very obvious for people who first signed on to “Threads”, who despite not yet following anyone, had “their” timeline full of such noise.

Perhaps the idea is to equate the term “social media” to “big corporate media”, which it literally is.

The term “social network” was suggested as the good term, for services that enforce the idea that you get to choose to see what you want to see in your timeline feed.


The whole rebranding of the loathsome FB and their incursions into Masto/Fedi are really piissing me off.

The antics of Zuck and Rocket Boy and the rest are proof that it’s okay to tell someone, “No you’ve taken enough. Other people need things, too” when they’re little kids. The current state of our… online correspondence is proof that not doing that is genuinely dangerous for humanity. I’m thoroughly sick and tired of fools who cape for these swine and get mad at me because I won’t.