STAR TREK You Know It-You Love It-Let's Talk About It!

I grew up on TOS but Really like TNG, DS9 & some Voyager so lets talk about the various series… :+1:


I grew up watching TNG. The reruns would be on TV after school at around 4 p.m. and I was allowed one hour of TV. So I used that one hour (when I could get the TV over my siblings which wasn’t all the time) to watch TNG. I’ve seen every episode. When I was in high school, my parents got satellite TV (cable was not an option in the boondocks) and one summer they did a special rebroadcast of all TOS episodes with little interviews with the cast. It was great and I really grew to appreciate it. I’ve seen all TOS movies and TNG series.

I tried DS9 but while I could listen to the actor playing Sisko read the phonebook (I love that deep, rich voice), I couldn’t ever completely get into DS9. Never liked Voyager. I watched the first season or two of Enterprise and really enjoyed it, but I was in college and couldn’t afford cable so once that was gone, I didn’t see the rest of it (although from reading the Best and Worst Finale thread I’m not missing much).

I watched the first of the Star Trek reboot with Chris Pine and while I think the casting was great and if you haven’t seen TOS it doesn’t matter who is Kirk and Spock and McCoy you can enjoy it just fine, it just wasn’t right to redo. For all his faults, William Shatner is James T. Kirk. No matter how young and hip you want the show to be, it’s no longer Kirk played by Chris Pine. The other series worked, IMO, because the ST universe is so big and so full of potential that you can easily have different crews, different times and different locales without running out of things to say and do. I’ve never understood why they felt the need to reuse Kirk and the rest in a tangential AU. It bugged me and I haven’t watched any of the others.

So yes, I’m a fan and I love it and I have strong opinions. :smiley:


I still rewatch various TNG and DS9 episodes now but I’m more drawn to the DS9 series lately… Back when it was coming out in the 90s it didn’t hold my attention as much as TNG did. DS9 has been more popular for me as a series to rewatch nowadays.


I think the new movies are just action flicks; I’m used to Trek being cerebral. Haven’t watched Discovery. I hear it’s good but when it was promoted, I also saw their Klingons are purple.:thinking:
I was surprised to find several of the old animated series to be very good- incredible writing. Of course the majority was just goofy stuff but at least you get to hear the voices you love.


In their defense, there is a dramatic reason for the purple Klingon in Discovery. I’m not sure it really worked, but they did at least have a goal for it.


I’ve never watched Discovery. I don’t really know anything about it, but I’ve read some very negative reviews of Picard.


Afternoons as a very young kid, my dad would bring a plate of snacks up to the third floor because my sister and I wouldn’t come down for dinner until Star Trek was over. He acted like he didn’t like Star Trek. When TNG came out he just started watching with me. When he died he had every episode of TNG, DS9, and Voyager hand-recorded. At one point he wrote a scholarly article on Picard as the “postmodern captain.”

I had never put together how deep my Star Trek history goes. And yes, my mom made me a TNG uniform. Two, actually.


I saw Shatner’s “get a life” SNL sketch live (on TV, of course). Even then I could laugh at myself enough to enjoy it.


My parents didn’t care for Star Trek but that’s so cool your parents were into the shows like that!


I got all the TOS, TOAnimated Series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and even Enterprise (though I just couldn’t get into that series) all on DVD, then ‘ripped’ them to hard drives when they got to Terra-byte sizes so I can click my mouse to select what episodes I feel like watching commercial-free :sunglasses:


My wife and I have very much enjoyed Picard and though they fail in a few minor ways to feel like the true Trek universe, the show is compelling with good characters- old and new. I love how Picard is still the optimistic hero but has managed to make a whole lot of enemies who often have a legitimate reason to hate him.
Season 2 will have Q!!


Yeah Picard has actually caught my attention and looking forward to season 2 as well!


Watched TOS a little when I was a kid, flirted with TNG up until “Best of Both World,” then watched that to the end, but DS9 was pretty much my Star Trek.

I’ve dipped in and out since then, and some of them are cool sometimes, but nothing has consistently gripped me as DS9 did.


At least it’s not a recasting reboot. :slight_smile:

Since you’ve seen it, you can tell me if you agree. I would link the review I read but I can’t remember where it was now. The review said that Picard was treated as a fool and ignored by people who would never have ignored him, that he went from a respected captain in Starfleet to a doddering old man. Is that accurate?


I know I’m not the person you asked, but my feeling was that they took an action movie someone had written, cast Patrick Stewart in it and changed the name of the character to Picard. And then added a few token appearances by other Star Trek characters.


I saw a lot of TOS as a kid because my mom liked it – which in hindsight is strange because that’s not really her bag. Then as a teenager my friends and I hung out for each new episode of TNG every week, which may be part of the reason these are people I am still friends with 25+ years later.

I never watched DS9 until it showed up on Netflix, and I became totally obsessed. It’s my absolute favorite and I could go on and on about it. I’ve watched DS9 through probably four or five times since, most recently making my incredibly-patient partner watch the whole thing with me. Because our relationship survived that challenge I am now slowly introducing curated TNG episodes (I skipped the first season :flushed:).

I never did warm up to Voyager – I got three seasons in before giving up – but I’d like to give it a second chance. I’ll admit I haven’t had time to watch ANY of the new series but I’d definitely like to… someday.

ETA: Just remembering at one point I had the whole series of TNG on those weird silver-boxed VHS tapes that I believe people collected via some kind of subscription model. Pretty sure I just bought the whole set used on eBay myself. The day those tapes arrived at my home was a great day. How did we live before streaming??


It’s amazing that TNG survived past the first season, isn’t it. It was like a whole new show in season 2.


Without spoiling anything, Picard is indeed old but still fully in command of himself, if not of any Starfleet crew. The public think he’s a fallen hero and definitely out of favor. The people ignoring him do so for good reason from their point of view- basically he spent all his political and popular capital long ago attempting great things. The old status quo is gone and he has to work outside the system. There are some cool new allies and adversaries and I love the dive into Romulan culture.


It’s the only Star Trek series I ever developed a strong liking for and can rewatch multiple times.


I love it, too, and as a kid watching, I didn’t really think about the first season being dramatically different, but watching it as an adult was a different experience.

Actually, I’ve applied for a permanent job. If I get it, maybe buying TNG series would be a good reward for me. :slight_smile: