The tropes need to sleep with the fishes!

Yeah, that fits squarely into the “you couldn’t make that movie today” slot.


(Since watching that series I can’t read a Jeeves story without picturing Fry and Laurie in my head.)


I believe Kevin Smith has said the same thing and has said looking back, it was kind of inappropriate.


Jonathan Creek did that, which was quite refreshing.

I found the DVDs recently, so we’ve been making our way through them. They really are about the best adaptation you can get out of the originals, I think.


Sorry, I’m not letting the Jeeves conversation die yet, because there’s also Thank You, Jeeves! with David Niven as Bertie and he and Arthur Treacher are also a good pairing.

But then I really love David Niven. The best James Bond and I won’t hear otherwise.

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It’s not a great film by any means. But it stayed with me longer than most “relationship” movies did. It really jabs at the weirder elements of trying to get along with someone of another gender and how that affects the friendships you already have. Instead of just smoothing over them.


Jeremy Brett also became “my” Sherlock Holmes after seeing his series.


No question there. He surpassed Rathbone. He also studied Holmes really, really in depth to get the character right.


You could. You just shouldn’t.


I think someone mentioned that House did as well. I can’t confirm that. I saw a few random episodes but never became a fan.


Ok, getting back to tropes, since we mentioned mysteries. I hate Chekhov’s Gun almost as much as I hate blatant exposition. Don’t zoom in on the knife that will be used to murder the victim in 20 minutes. I don’t need to know that there was a knife sitting on the table for that long other than to create a false sense of suspense.


One reason I enjoyed Mad Men is, it didn’t have the one I dislike. Media that takes place in the past but has anachronistic characters going, “Don’t treat Black people that way! Don’t treat women that way!”

I much prefer those stories when they show how pervasive that thinking was because it was the thinking of the time. Even “good” people thought this way.


Even simpler than that, it drives me crazy to see something taking place before, say, the 90s and no one is smoking. If you can’t show people smoking, don’t show a movie taking place in 1972.


Cringe and embarrassment are funny. Anyone who writes that crap should have their keyboards taken away until they learn real comedy.

Telepaths. They make no sense when you think about it. The amount of EM radiation coming from a mind is miniscule, plus everyone’s memories are going to be wired a bit differently, so even if they could get the impulses, they wouldn’t have any meaning.


When I used to teach improv, I told all my students “Good improv is bad writing” because they were all always so obsessed with everything being perfect, which is fine for scripted material. But your scene partner can’t read your mind. Just say “If it isn’t my brother Craig” and get on with it.

Anyway, I agree with you but boy, it’s a great teaching aid.


That doesn’t bother me. It’s a movie. I don’t care. As long as it is logically consistent within the confines of the film, i.e. their powers don’t change in ability and power level from scene to scene, I’m okay with it.


Unfortunately, if I watch anything that takes place before the 90s, nothing about it is simple hahaha


I remember there being some fuss about characters littering, leaving behind all their rubbish after a picnic or something. And, yes, people did used to do that. There are times where bringing up the bad stuff in the Good Old Days isn’t really appropriate/necessary (for the story; it’s always worth bringing it up in real life), but it is also important to show that, no, they weren’t really that good and nobody should over-glamorise them, and see how far we’ve come.


That goes back to my smoking thing. Even if they show someone smoking, they never show a pregnant woman smoking and drinking. Which, frankly, most of them did until at least the 80s.


I figure the bad stuff in the “good old days” wasn’t appropriate or necessary, so what’s good for the goose.

Also, I remember when there was some controversy over the littering in Mad Men and I thought it was so funny. That’s the part that took them aback, hahaha