what BAD MST3K movies can be made GOOD?

I thought it was the “creators” who sued for the usual studio accounting shenanigan reasons.

No, no it wasn’t. Any. At all. Even with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johannsen to look at. When I saw it I was the only one in the theater and I had taken all the bathroom breaks I could think of and gotten the popcorn/soda refill (which helped with extra bathroom breaks) and, honestly, I’d rather watch a (let’s say Vinegar-Syndrome-restored-version-of) “The Clonus Horror”.


I know that mine is correct. If yours is, too, then two suits went on.

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The guy whose name is on the script and who directed the movie is a family friend. I could totally believe he ripped off someone. Heh.


I would watch the hell out of that new version.


I think Spacelamb is right that it wouldn’t be hard to do. A few short snips here and there should do it. I don’t think I care enough about the movie to do it myself, though.


If I had the time, software know-how, and love for that movie, I’d be half-tempted to do that myself.


Too bad. I actually rather like Ewan McGregor. Was it Michael Bay or just that the story was told badly? I’m really quite curious because I thought there was an interesting story that could be told with Clonus.


His impression of Alec Guiness is just right in the pod racing movie. It’s a fine line to walk, evoking a great actor without coming off like you’re aping him.

I got nothing against Bay, though I do love that song from Team America. Maybe if I’d gone in going “OK, it’s a Michael Bay film,” I would have adjusted my expectations accordingly. I mean, my expectations were pretty much “Oh, this will be a couple hours of goofy, glittery mindlessness” but I sat there most of the time (when I wasn’t fleeing to the lobby) just mouth-agape at how stupid it all was.

It’s a function of art that as its quality rises we overlook unimportant details (to paraphrase John Gardner) but with some movies, it’s like they’re constantly daring you: “Oh, you think you’ve turned off your brain, eh? Well try overlooking this!”

I didn’t really get the Clonus connection till about halfway through—and I hadn’t seen the MST3K of it, heh—but that at least provided some interest, as I tried to figure out why I knew the story. It was a common topic in the '70s (Michael Crichton’s Coma, e.g.). For me, the main problem with Clonus is the drab, nihilistic style (also common in the '70s).

But if you thought raising the budget by an order of TWO magnitudes would help, you’d be mistaken.

I guess I should note I’m in the minority on this opinion since The Island has modestly positive ratings on RT and IMDB, but it’s not even in my top ten list of movies named “The Island”.


Bay was a producer on The Quiet Place and Quiet Place 2 both great films and mostly not Bay-like. So he can be involved with movies that don’t suck.


I mean, he was a production intern on Raiders of the Lost Ark, so he’s got that going for him.

But seriously, he’s got a few entries in the forgettable fun category like The Rock. I thought Armageddon was delightfully (and knowingly) cheesy. Even Transformers was entertaining while it was running (and which is immediately brain-dumped). The big surprise for me from him is 13 Hours, which was remarkably restrained and matter-of-fact.

Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood but, man, The Island just had me literally crawling out of my seat to get away from the dumb.


I saw the trailer in the theater, and even from that I identified it as a version of Clonus.

I’m sorry you had to sit through the whole thing.


I did not see a trailer for it. I just went in almost completely blind. I’m not even sure I knew it was a Michael Bay film, tbh.

So you see, I came to this tragic end by my own hand.


I would love to see them go back and riff “Last of the Wild Horses”. This time have the current Mads from the parallel universe sit in the theater.


There would be quite a bit of tweaking (better actors, less Battlestar Galactica footage, no killed off characters returning, remove the Bellarians since that went nowhere), “Space Mutiny” could have worked out I think.

“Teenagers From Outer Space” suffered most from low budget. Remake it nowadays (probably under a different name if you want a serious movie) and it could work out (though I do see it slightly gorier with the focusing dissintigrator, probably show everything melted off until only skeleton is left).

I’m also on the opinion that “Time Chasers” is a decent little time travel romp that’s only flaws are its budget (well, maybe the actors too, but at least they tried, which is more than I can say for something like, say, a Coleman Francis film).


I’ll go with “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank”. It always seemed like a decent, if kind of goofy, sci-fi story, and it’s probably the one that’s come closest to me enjoying the movie too, instead of just the riffing.


I always kinda wanted to watch the original Fugitive Alien TV series (“Starwolf”) because there’s probably something lost in either translation or context. Always been a fan of (Captain) Joe Shishido as well. He was awesome in Seijun Suzuki’s “Branded To Kill”.

Heck, can I add most (if not every) Sandy Frank selection to this list? Sure, you might lose their hilarity and a hundred characters named Ken, but you may just gain coherence. :rofl:


Maybe you could get something good out of Devil Doll. I think fixing the pacing, and the sound. And probably need to fix the dialog once you can hear it, and it could be a decent little suspense horror flick (maybe not good, but passable). It might count as a short at that point since I would guess there’s maybe 30 minutes of content in all that filler.

Hamlet. Fix the dialog and it would be good. :grinning:


Time Chasers, just cut the cabbie’s lines out completely, punch up some of the sets from the future and reshoot the Revolutionary War scenes. Oh, and get the evil CEO’s office out of the public library.


I was thinking The Horrors of Spider Island, they could get rid of Gary, that “bloated guy who was into scouting”, and his partner he said “Ta” to, and then just run a continuous loop of all the girl scenes (SAY!!!) with no sound for 2 hours, call it an “art film” and sit back and wait for all the acclaim and recognition to roll in…oh wait.


Friend of mine said that if you cut some of the fat, Devil Doll could fit as a classic Twilight Zone ep.