What is the cringiest moment you've ever seen in a film?

Since we’re talking about both movies, the original is why I feel the ice skating scene was unnecessary. I understand why it was there- to make Kong more sympathetic. But Cooper and Schoedsack trusted their audience, even in the 1930s, to understand the plight of a creature forcibly taken from his homeland and put on display as a freak, only to escape and die protecting the one thing from the outside world he loved. You don’t need to have the girl and Kong form a bond where we find out he’s just a fun-loving monkey.


I’ve seen the original (though it’s been a few decades). And of course I know the Daniel Johnston song, which is probably the best distillation of the story’s pathos. This is more a case of “the 2005 remake never appealed to me, but now I am sort of feeling like maybe I should see it after all.”

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I honestly think you made the right decision. As far as I can tell, that movie was a case of, “he just made three huge LOTR films, do not tell him no about anything.”

Another film moment which makes me cringe, which I got reminded of today: 2013’s Evil Dead remake. In particular, the scene where one of the characters, the one possessed by the Deadites, slices her tongue in two. I just CANNOT deal with that… shudders


Almost 100 years old and still making film watchers cringe –


Pretty much all of Bringing Down The House is cringe.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that before.

There’s other stuff I thought of adding, but it falls more into the category of Tropes You Hate, and we’ve already got a thread for that.

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I’m noticing a bit of generational difference between what “cringiest moment” might mean. Interesting.

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I was thinking ‘cringe’ as in ‘wow I’m embarrassed to be watching this’ but other people seem to think it means ‘react in fear and disgust.’ I’m 46. Where does the generational divide come in.

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Both uses are correct.

Edit to add - my mind goes to the ‘embarrassed’ side, too

verb (used without object)

, cringed, cring·ing.

  1. to shrink back, bend, or crouch, especially in fear, pain, or servility; cower: They cringed and bowed before the king.

2.She cringed in a corner and started praying.*

3.They cringed and bowed before the king.*

  1. to feel very embarrassed or awkward; react with discomfort:

5.Some of us cringed at the speaker’s tactless comments.*

  1. to seek favor by acting in a servile way; fawn:

7.He has never cringed to anyone—in fact, he can sometimes be a bully.*


  1. an act or instance of shrinking back, bending, or crouching:

2.The gunshots elicited a cringe of terror.*

  1. an instance of being very embarrassed, awkward, or uncomfortable:

4.Some of his outfits are bizarre enough to induce a cringe or two.*

  1. servile or fawning deference.


  1. Slang. causing embarrassment or resulting in awkward discomfort; cringeworthy; cringey:

2.Her attempt to rap at the talent show was so very cringe.*


My examples kind of are on both sides of the coin; I have things that disgusted me or creeped me out and things that just made me embarrassed.


Is it too soon to delcare that all of Birth Of A Nation and Triumph Of The Will are cringe?




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you gotta go back to Blues Brothers for that one!


It was a link to a political speech.

Ugh…I watch straight up slasher films and horror. Love it.

I. Cannot. With. Eye. Stuff. :grimacing:

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Yeah…but in the UK. Does that count?

John Oliver does a bit of a spoof of the Independence Day (1996), where he declares July 4th will no longer be an American Holiday. :laughing:

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I was just confused what it was related to. Forgive me.

Okay. I didn’t get that far in. Hold on…

I’m a few days behind. I was off the boards for Pig Roast and Pig Roast recovery Sunday and yesterday! =)


LOL!!! Nice one!!! I got it!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

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