What'cha Reading?

thorn tcs


This just came in the mail, so that’s kind of fun.

Used copy, but no handwriting in it…it’s fine.


This could go in comics as well - the new Brubaker/Philips release. Just started, but there’s already lots of graphic sex scenes in this graphic novel that are making me uncomfortable, lol - I’ve turned into an old prude (it’s amazing I got through Poor Things… if I had pearls, I might have clutched them)

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Isaac Asimov’s mucky limericks.

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I’ve seen the movies and miniseries, often different versions of the same stories, but I’ve never ever read her. I did some searching -I wanted something I was unfamiliar with- and this popped up on several “best of” lists. I’ll see…

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That is a thumbs up sign that didn’t make it into the frame. Not much of a photographer, afraid!

Yeah, it’s the good stuff.

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Enjoyed the last one, so I picked up another from the library


just came in the mail today…oh, this is really freaking good stuff!

From “Stendhal’s” (it was a stage name he used…I guess to not embarrasse his family or something…it;s been a while since I’ve read his stuff) first preface, I’ll translate: “If the cops think this publication is improper, well, just wait ten years. 2-aug-1836”


Finishing up this one:


Will be starting this one next:


Huh. At a quick not-even glance, I thought the title was The Murder of Dan Aykroyd…I was about to be enraged!

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It was a long wait, but this arrived today. Time for some light summer reading …


Ulysses! What a nice looking edition. Kudos! I think I first read it over a summer as well…it can be light reading, IMHO! Enjoy!

Just started dipping into this one from the great guitarist and author/teacher Randy Vincent. The difference is that Randy Vincent emphasizes bop/jazz phrasing by moving one’s hand on the fretboard, rather than changing “positions” or whatever, which is what seems to me the basic difference between somebody like Grant Green and a shredder on guitar. No, I’ve got the same idea by working through the Garrison Fewell books, which is also based on traditional jazz fingerings, rather than shredders who stay in position [whatever that may be…CAGED, 3-nps, or the Leavitt idea], where here the idea is to connect up every note to every other, no matter how one can do it.

I think it might be by inspiration from Rousseau that this is a book to be read with one hand. It’s a different approach to fingering the fingerboard, but it’s full of surprises.


Which leads us, of course, to basic fretboard knowledge. And by that, I don’t mean “shapes” or “patterns,” although obviously they exist in abundance. I mean “I said C4 not C3, you dummy, Lamont!”

/* Actually, I don’t know if you all know who Howard Roberts was…a major studio performer back in the day.

This OOP book which I just saw and read through in parts is a gem. Erm, I can read at the fretboard fairly well, if slowly, for a novice, but not anything like a guitar pro.

Some nice little insights here.


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Science Fiction/Fantasy buff here.

Currently reading “First Contact” (1997) edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Larry Segriff, an anthology of nineteen original stories on the theme. So far they tend to be on the light side, with some just out-and-out farces.


I never realized how thick Ulysses was.

Although given that I know it as a book that is discussed more often than it is read, I’m not too surprised.


Difficult books shouldn’t be that long. Italo Calvino knew that.


Well, I DID just read Invisible Cities


I wish I could read Italian, but it seems like he had an astounding translator all the way


William Weaver… he was also the translator of Umberto Eco’s works.


Yeah, but it’s really entertaining. Skip all the scholarly paralipomena, scilicets, and commentary! Joyce scholars may be right and insightful some of the time, but it’s just a fun book.

It’s funny almost throughout the book. Before the first day of reading is done, you’ll be reaching for a handkerchief and craving fried kidneys.

Finnegans Wake…that’s the one to be chary of reading…no, I’ve never read it cover-to-cover. Dipped into it, was disturbed and frightened and put it back on the shelf. Rinsed and repeated over decades.

I was friends with a classmate from Ireland who said he and his friends back home used to get stoned and open FW up at random and read a sentence and then…I don’t remember what, but knowing him it was probably pretty funny at the time. Probably invent some kind of wild story or something to explain that divergent prose.

/* I don’t recall Ulysses being like that at all. You just kind of have to roll with it, go with the flow. Don’t look for any meaning: when there is one, Joyce will “subtly” hit you over the head with it. That’s just what I recall…haven’t read it in about twenty years, especially since my Annotated Ulysses went missing during an apartment move.

The movie “version” is godawful, though, IIRC. I think I saw it when I was between 8 or 12 years-old. Nice cinematography, and I hadn’t read the book at that age, but that’s all I recall of the VHS I checked out from the library.

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