And the 14th Doctor is...

That’s probably the best since The 60’s, but they’re always being played as an aggressive super-army akin to The Borg, or just robots with people brains in, it misses the point

They don’t want to kill anyone, they’re a creeping force that want to save everyone by making them like them. They’re much creepier played that way.

YMMV of course, but they’ve always been my least favourite regular monsters in Doctor Who, post the 60’s.


I personally prefer abnormal myself ;).

I was just trying to show how the term ‘cis’ could be construed as an insult and used that way by some people. Sounds more like a disease to me.

I’m just gonna mute you, probably for the best.


When you are a part of a community that is not represented or is only ever represented in a negative way, it matters.

It’s not a “team” thing. It’s wanting to be treated with the same default respect that “NORMAL” [sigh] people are treated with. It’s simply not political to include non-white, non-straight, non-cis, and non-male actors in media of any sort. Not being the absolute center of attention at all times doesn’t take anything away from straight white cis males, it just shares with someone else the same things you’ve always enjoyed by default.

This would only reasonable response after you’d sat through 50 years of casting that excluded anyone like you, just like all the non-white, non-straight, non-cis, and non-male folks have for the last 50 years. Oh, and if also laws were being made constantly eroding the rights of being straight and cis, your ability to marry or simply exist while wearing a hoodie was always up for debate, and a plethora of other non-existent things because the world is simply not set up in a way that over-values queer POC at the expense of straight cis white people. It’s not set up in that way for us, it’s set up in that way for you - and has been for ages up until very very very recently.

I guess my real intent was (1) celebrating marginalized people finally being included, and (2) for people to recognize that everyone has been watching exclusively straight white (/white passing) cis men this entire time. If having that pointed out that your privileged position as straight cis white and male has been the default for decades is an insult, that means some self-reflection is necessary. Queer people and POC have always existed - we have not existed only as the villains and creeps we’ve been cast as the past 50 years and much beyond.

Again, not trying to be mean, but… This is a Very Bad Take and it’s on the wrong side of history and honestly, decency to others. I very much hope you will do the self reflective work to see why this is Very Wrong and take steps to adjust this view. Queer folks and POC are not going anywhere, despite so many folks trying so hard to keep us from existing.


You have only showed that you will happily use trans as an insult here.

I don’t see you apologizing after being told your language was hurtful either, so I don’t feel like this is sincere.

But hey, now you have the teeny tinyest little bit of an inkling into how trans people are treated (by folks like you!) every single day of our lives. Sucks, doesn’t it? Imagine being treated “like a disease” constantly, just for existing the way you are and not pretending to be someone else. Imagine facing this all the time instead of fleetingly in the comments section this one time, then never having to worry about it again.

But I think I’ll also just block you too, because honestly, I don’t care for folks who are unapologetically transphobic, and I’ve already been WAY nicer than you deserved. I don’t want to get in trouble for saying what I really REALLY would prefer to be saying here, but you better believe me that I’m thinking it as HARD as I can at you.

Your views on trans people are terrible and are part of why the world is so dang dangerous for us. Overall I just deeply pity you for being like this and crapping on others so gleefully. But now, after a block, you’re not my problem anymore, you’re the mods’ problem.


I had heard at one point Olly Alexander was the shoe-in candidate.

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