Anyone need a place to eat/hang for the Thanksgiving holiday?

Being prior-service and being stationed in a foreign country, it’s kind of a tradition of ours to invite folks over for some food, football and fun! But I thought, maybe others are willing to open up their homes? So if you’d like to host a MSTie for Thanksgiving, or you’re a MSTie looking for a place to chow down, let’s post them up here! :turkey: :turkey:

We are in Joliet, IL. We have a queen-sized bed in the guest room and will have way too much food for 2 people. So, if you’d like to come over for the long weekend, we can accommodate you! If there is no “official” turkey day marathon, then we could curate one together! Please feel free to send me a DM if you are interested in fellowship and food. Food will include slow roasted turkey that falls off the bones, home-made (from scratch) mashed taters, stuffing and gravy, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, apple crumb pie and some kind of yummy bread from the yummy bread store!


Awesome start Jenn!
We don’t have any solid plans for my household yet, but I’ll happily invite any fellow MSTies in New Orleans!


I am adding either homemade cheesecake or homemade carmel pie to sweeten the deal! :smiley: :yum:


Our place is kinda’ small for that kind of thing, alas. :confused:

Well our place is big, but we have no dining table…just a bar, pub tables and TV trays…lol!


Caramel pie has been added. And (obvs) the marathon/telethon will be streaming on all TVs available!!


(ahem) Uh, please hold for an important announcement.

@Armetus is the very soul of hospitality and runs a MSTie paradise of superb company, gourmet food and drinks, and funny watchin’. An overnight at her place (sandwiched between all the DEEP HURTING of a business trip and family Thanksgiving) is basically a shot of HINDER-90 straight to the heart, Pulp Fiction-style. If you have the opportunity to visit, I strongly recommend it. You’ll be dreaming about caramel pies for days afterward.

I am unfit to lead other men into battle, into space or in a line dance. I submit that if I picked my nose for a half an hour, my head would cave in. I’m nary to know the distinction betwixt Shinola and that other stuff. I cannot lead, because I...


Thanks for the kind words! We do try hard to make our guests feel comfortable, non-hungry and moderately drunk! :tropical_drink: :cocktail: :wine_glass:


Mission Accomplished Conan Obrien GIF by Team Coco


So happy to hear you all had a great MST-themed great time!

Just another example why MSTies are the best folks around. Right here.



both GIF

We always have both. Taters are way less labor intensive and do not require several days of prep :woman_shrugging: