Looks like the new app has launched and Spoilers reveal of the first episode of season 13

You’re a listed backer. You have access to all of the campaign updates which explain what the Gizmoplex is, how people will be able to visit it, and which specific platforms would see an app. There are also a number of threads here in Discourse that talk about how people are taking an early, pre-Gizmoplex taste and how the game consoles are out of the running app-wise.

I tested the PS4’s performance on an analog and it worked but the end result will be sour to some. PS5 owners will be doubly sour because its web browser is sorta hidden. Nonetheless, it can work and it provides an option for those locked into or insist on using a game console.

The salt is because the Discourse is getting filled weekly with the same questions, speculation, and disappointment, over and over and over and over. All while Joel and Alternaversal were/are very, very up-front and transparent on what was being planned and the timeline of things, and forum threads visit the topic several times over.