Out of Context Comics (Part 1)

“I SOLD it for good money!”


And then she slapped Hulk around a bit, outdid him in multiple physical contests, mocked him for being pathetic, and illustrated how she was superior to him in every way before twerking her way off the scene… Oh wait, that’s the MCU version…

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“Do I gotta guess who it is?”

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Let’s ignore the obvious sleazy interpretation for a second and instead focus on other silliness.

For starters, the trapeze act here is fairly ridiculous. You’d be aiming for the other person’s hands … not trying to grab their knees and shins.

And presumably the killer wants to get caught because he’s stabbing the victim in the neck in front of an audience.

And for having been stabbed in the neck, the victim is rather loquacious. The only way he could possibly say all this stuff is in the context of having been frozen in time within one panel of art. In real life he wouldn’t even be able to get past the word “Alfredo”. But of course he can be on his second sentence in a comic book.

Sleazy? How DARE you sir and/or madam! I had nothing but the purest intent!

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“Mister Tootsie, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?”
“I don’t know! Ask Mr. Owl!”
“Mister Owl keeps biting!”

Right back to the civics class with you.


“Mr. B Natural taught me all about citizenship after he magically appeared in my room and started capering about!”



“And I run a shoe shine stand… I can’t figure out what it is I’m doing wrong.”




“Stupid food-lovers!”

“Frank Burns Begins.”

I guess I better not mention the poopy toilet paper stuck to his shoe!

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Golly. So how about my methylamine train heist plan, Dad?


You mean the invisible tie that you aren’t wearing because the only thing there is a white shirt? Plus I’m not even pointing at where the tie would be anyway? That’s okay though because it makes way more sense for me to be pointing at that HUGE lapel on your suit… And what the heck are you pointing at behind me anyway? And why do we both have a fist cocked up ready to throw down if all we’re talking about is haberdashery?

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