Out of Context Comics


Well, that statement spun out of control quickly.

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More granny punching…

Brace yourself, fellows:

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I saw something like this in a MST episode once…

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…only with worse acting.

“So? This is the sixties, we’re just now realizing that these sorts of things exist and are important!”
“I’m going back to my contract…”


Methinks Batman dressed in a hurry this morning.

Methinks the colorist is getting fired.

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I don’t know what’s going on here, but I suspect something deeply stupid.


Batman obviously went to the 30th century and was inspired by Cosmic Boy.

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…said the guy in a chicken costume.

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Funnily enough, recently in comics Nightwing did a similar thing to Peacemaker in a fight.

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It’s a gag that’s been used a few times, I remember one of the Batman comics (maybe the Frank Miller/ Jim Lee one) where Robin wants to wear a hood because Robin Hood, and Batman just yoinks the thing down over his face.

I think this version above is my favorite because Waid & Kitson manage to put in a little subtext.