SpaceBrains3D: 3D Storytelling Reimagined

Got a lovely shout-out on Cereal at Midnight for SpaceBrains3D! (And for my Ren and Stimpy piece in Gen X Reader. Did I really do that?)

Starts at TC: 01:14:51

Hey, FS,

A while ago you asked if Iā€™d be offering digital downloads. Well, Iā€™m excited to say that Iā€™ve just put up the very first SpaceBrains3D digital download, and it just so happens to be an MST3K favorite, Design for Dreaming 3D! (Note: This is not the MST3K version.)

You can purchase your own copy here.

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Thanks. Unfortunately, I just quit my job, so we only have a single income and I canā€™t do anything like that right now, but Iā€™ll bear it in mind if the situation changes.

ā€œEverybody says the future is strange,
But I have a feeling some things wonā€™t change.ā€

Nuveena lives! Thanks to the dimensional innovation of SpaceBrains3D, the MST3K classic Design for Dreaming becomes an immersive, anaglyph 3D experience. It is now available as a digital download from the SpaceBrains3D Etsy store.

Bring your own red/cyan 3D glasses (or order a couple of pairs from the store) and get your copy here.

(For the record, this is not the riffed, MST3K version.)


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Hi, FS,

Iā€™m sorry to hear. Beaming good thoughts your way!


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Whatā€™s Next for SpaceBrains3D in 2024?

Fare ye well, 2023. You sucked royale in many regards, but were very kind to SpaceBrains3D.

To say that last year was a heartening shot in the arm for my odd little process for converting classic public domain films to stereoscopic 3D is to put it mildly. After several years of experimentation, I opened up my Etsy store in January 2023 with my first DVD release, GAMMERA 3D: THE GOODMAN CUT. While Disney doesnā€™t have anything to worry about (yet), sales were quite encouraging, enough so that I proceeded to release four more titles in the year: CARNIVAL OF SOULS 3D; HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL 3D; THE PHANTOM PLANET 3D: THE GOODMAN CUT; and DAUGHTER OF HORROR 3D. In the course of twelve months, I benefitted from the love of collectors of physical media (thank you, Cereal At Midnight!) and 3D enthusiasts around the world (turns out thereā€™s a hearty subculture in the UK, Canada, and Australia, particularly).

In the wake of such good vibes, Iā€™m ready to take SpaceBrains3D TO THE NEXT LEVEL! Iā€™ve just completed a serious tech upgrade, beefing up my hardware and incorporating new AI processes into the system. I also plan to continue the idiosyncratic experimentation I engage in ā€“ aka the ā€œWhat Does This Button Do?ā€ technique ā€“ that has resulted in the unique flair Iā€™ve been able to add to my SpaceBrains3D releases. The upshot, if all goes as planned, is to get output to full HD, while opening up distribution opportunities to streaming platforms, broadcast & cable outlets, and ā€“ dare I to dream? ā€“ theatrical exhibition, both in anaglyph and digital formats.

Iā€™m already at work on my next release, the details of which Iā€™ll reveal as we draw closer to the release date (assume sometime in February/March). Meantime, you can visit my Etsy store at

Thank you for your support, take care, and have a Happy New Year!



Good luck to you! If you want help with the AI upscaling, thereā€™s a guy who is doing AI upscaling of MST3K episodes on YouTube and the Internet Archive under the name Project MSTie. I talk to him sometimes on Lemmy (sort of an alternative to Reddit). Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be happy to talk to you if you contact him on any of those- or maybe even Reddit, I donā€™t know. Heā€™s on Lemmy as Apologies for the naughty word.

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Well, Iā€™m just scandalized!

Iā€™m keeping the upscaling process in-house for now, but thanks for the rec!

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Did you know Jamaica and Haiti were prime suppliers of bauxite? Me neither. Never mind that, here comes the GRAND PARADE OF CIGARETTE PACKAGING!

(Best watched with red/cyan anaglyph glasses.)


Wanna save a little somethinā€™ somethinā€™ on your SpaceBrains3D purchase?

Use discount code GIFTMODE and get $5 off any purchase of $50 or more!

Itā€™s a great way to complete your SpaceBrains3D collection, or you can combine your purchase with stuff from other sellers. Or you can just buy from other sellers, we donā€™t track this stuff.

This is good through February 14, so check it out now!

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Not all Valentineā€™s Day gifts are well-received.

Maybe next time, dude, get her a blender?

(Best watched with red/cyan anaglyph glasses.)

Coming soon!

Is it looking like next week? Yeah, itā€™s looking like next week.


Let Bela Lugosi make your zombies whiter, brighter, and springtime fresh!

White Zombie 3D - On sale now!

A French New Wave Classic ā€“ NOW IN 3D!!!


My headā€™s spinning. I never dreamed that this day would arrive. But thanks to the kind cooperation of the good folks over at the Criteria Collection, Iā€™m proud to annnounce the upcoming Spacebrains3D release of CLƉO FROM 5 TO 7 3D!

Yes, my long-held desire to bring to the stereoscopic screen the classic chronicle of two hours in a womanā€™s life in which her mortality hangs in the balance has finally come true! Now audiences wonā€™t just watch as ClĆ©o awaits the outcome of her biopsy, theyā€™ll actually live inside the moment, sharing her existential fear in a way never before experienced!

But donā€™t take my word for it! Check out this pulse-pounding moment from the film.

CLƉO FROM 5 TO 7 3D will debut at Philadelphiaā€™s Tuttelman IMAX Theater at The Franklen Institute in late summmer. Tickets will go on sale at the end of June, 2024 ā€“ links will be provided at that time.

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The phone rang one dark, starless night in 2023. ā€œMr. Persons?ā€ the voice on the other end of the line said.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I replied, ā€œDo you know itā€™s two oā€™clock in the morning?ā€

ā€œTime is of little consequence to me. I have important business to discuss. You may have heard of me: My name is Jake Jolley.ā€

The clouds of sleep immediately dissipated. Of course Iā€™d heard of him: Jake ā€œDangerā€ Jolley, renegade filmmaker of Ohio. One didnā€™t take phone calls from him lightly. ā€œY-yes, Mr. Jolley! How can I help you?ā€

ā€œIā€™ve been following the work youā€™ve been doing with your SpaceBrains3D conversion process, and am quite impressed. I would like to see if youā€™d be interested in doing a conversion of my comedy-horror film, CLAY ZOMBIES.ā€

Instantly, my bowels turned to ice. It hadnā€™t been long since Iā€™d opened up my Etsy store ( The responses to my initial, public domain offerings ā€“ including Gammera 3D: The Goodman Cut; Carnival of Souls 3D; and House on Haunted Hill 3D ā€“ were encouraging. And part of my business plan was to eventually break out of the PD prison and partner up with independent filmmakers, bringing their original works into the third dimension.

But this was too soon. I was still exploring the ins-and-outs of the SpaceBrains3D system, and introducing new wrinkles with each release. On top of that, my hands were tied by the limitations of my tech, which took a painfully long time to output footage at a mere 720p. To take on a feature-length, 4K film about a city under siege by a swarm of cannibalistic, stop-motion-animated Gumbies was just out of the question.

ā€œIā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, Mr. Jolley,ā€ I said. ā€œI would love to work on CLAY ZOMBIES, but this is still a very new process. I need to get it further refined before I can take on outside projects. If you can give me some time to get the system to a place where itā€™d be worthy of your work, Iā€™d appreciate it.ā€

There was a pause, and then, disappointment in his voice: ā€œOf course. I want you to feel confident that you can deliver your best. Get back to me when youā€™re ready.ā€ And then, his voice dropping an ominous octave: ā€œIā€™ll. Be. Waiting.ā€

The line went dead.

Flash forward a year. I had developed a growing fan base for SpaceBrains3D, and expanded my catalogue to a full six titles, encompassing everything from the silly to the sublime. In the course of those twelve months, the process ā€“ and the tricks I had developed to plus a filmā€™s dimensionality ā€“ had grown considerably. And I had finished an upgrade to the system that would allow me to output at least 1080p, and possibly even 4K, within a sane processing window. I was ready for a new challenge. I was ready for CLAY ZOMBIES.

With trembling fingers, I dialed Jake Jolley. ā€œMr. Jolley, itā€™s Dan Persons. I think Iā€™m able to take on your film, now.ā€

ā€œExcellent. My boys will be there in five minutes to pick you up.ā€

ā€œYour what?ā€

<<clickā€¦ bzzzzā€¦>>

I cannot tell you what happened that night, after they threw the burlap sack over my head and took me to the place where the dark, dark ceremony that sealed our pact was performed. Iā€™ve been sworn to secrecy, and you wouldnā€™t want to bear the burden of what my eyes beheld, anyway.

What I can tell you is that Iā€™m now furiously at work on CLAY ZOMBIES 3D, with release targeted for sometime mid- to late-summer. Jake Jolleyā€™s Tape About It production company will be handling theatrical and digital distribution, while Iā€™ll be offering limited edition physical media via my Etsy store. Itā€™s a thrill to usher this hilarious mash-up of George Romero and Art Clokey into the third dimension, and I canā€™t wait for fans of indie horror to get a look at what Jake and I have come up with.

And then, maybe, Iā€™ll once again be able to sleep soundly at night.


ā€œIā€™m so excited to be collaborating with Dan on this special edition Spade Brains 3D cut of Clay Zombies. A lot of the shots work so well for 3D, you would have thought it was preplanned! When I saw an interview with Dan, his passion for 3D and love of film in general assured me he would be the perfect person to partner with on a project like this. Please join us for a 3D adventure that asks you how far you would go to save your friend in a Claypocalypse.ā€

Watch the preliminary demo footage here!


Technology marches ever forward ā€“ NOW IN 3D!

(Watch with red/cyan anaglyph 3D glasses for full effect.)

Cataloguing elements. If this works, Clay Zombies are gonna be IN YER FACE!

The adventure begins! Or continues! Or maybe itā€™s in the middle?

CLAY ZOMBIES 3D - Coming soonā€¦ somewhere.

Check it out here! (Best watched with red/cyan anaglyph glasses.)